Ajai Chowdhry Return to Satyam Computer Services Ltd.
Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, Chief Promoter, Member of Accounts & Audit Committee, Member of Shareholders & Investors Grievance Committee, Member of Employees Compensation & Employees Satisfaction Committee, Chairman of HCL Infinet Limited, Chairman of HCL Security Limited, Director of FEC Infosystems Pte Ltd, Director of HCL Infosystems (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd, Director of HCL Peripherals Ltd, Director of HCL Peripherals Ltd, Director of Infosystems (America) Inc, Director of Infosystems (Berm, HCL Infosystems Ltd. 1818
Total Annual Compensation:30,066,000 INR (As of Fiscal Year 2008)
This person is connected to 18 board members in 4 different organizations across 2 different industries.
Ajai Chowdhry, B.E serves as the Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Promoter of HCL Infosystems Limited. Mr. Chowdhry is responsible for the significant international growth of HCL Infosystems and has substantial experience of the South East Asian markets including Malaysia, Thailand, Hong Kong, Indonesia, People's Republic of China and Singapore. Mr. Chowdhry serves as the Chief Executive Officer of HCL Security Limited. Mr. Chowdhry serves as Chairman of HCL ... Security Limited and HCL Infinet Limited, subsidiaries of HCL Infosystems Ltd. Mr. Chowdhry serves as a Director of Apollo Trading and Finance Pvt. Ltd; HCL InfiNet Ltd., Infosystems Europe Ltd., HCL Technologies Bermuda Ltd., Infosystems America Inc., FEC Infosystems Pte. Ltd., Infosystems Bermuda Ltd., Infosystems Australia Pty Ltd., Infosystems America Inc., HCL Infosystems Malaysia Sdn., Bhd., and HCL Peripherals Ltd. He has been an Independent Director of HCL Technologies Limited., since January 2003. He serves as Director of HCL Enterprise Solutions Inc. He served as an Non Independent Non Executive Director of HCL Technologies Limited. Mr. Chowdhry holds Executive Program from School of Business Administration at University of Michigan.
Anand Kumar Pandey
pgdm sec-a
3rd sem
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Hong Kong Business Tycoon Stanley Ho TalkAsia Interview Transcript
Hong Kong Business Tycoon Stanley Ho TalkAsia Interview Transcript
Wednesday, October 13, 2004 Posted: 1:07 AM EDT (0507 GMT)
Airdate: October 2nd, 2004
LH: Lorraine Hahn
SH: Stanley Ho
Lorraine Hahn: This week on TalkAsia: One of Asia's most influential businessmen and Macau's casino king. This is TalkAsia.
Welcome to TalkAsia. I'm Lorraine Hahn. Our guest this week needs little introduction. For four decades, Stanley Ho held the sole gaming concession in Macau. But three years ago-that all changed. He now faces new competition from some pretty hardcore veterans. Las Vegas businessman Sheldon Adelson has already flung open the doors of his multi million dollar casino The Sands to enthusiastic reception and reviews earlier this year. While his rival Steve Wynn -- whose properties include the Mirage and the Bellagio, is developing a 14 acre site right next door to Ho's flagship and Macau icon- Casino and Hotel Lisboa.
For the record, Ho still owns 12 of the current 14 casinos operating in Macau. While his billion dollar business empire spans across the globe. He recently gave us a rare one on one interview at the Hotel Lisboa in Macau. So let's begin with the question on everyone's mind -- how does he feel about the new comers?
SH: Well I love competition all my life, as long as they are complimentary -- and so far so good. I think now we have two newcomers and we are working side-by-side, not hard fighting, all complimentary.
LH: Did you see it coming?
SH: Well you see, ever since this relaxation of individual travelers from mainland China, we are getting excellent business. You must have noticed crowds all over the place and we, all three of us, are doing excellent business.
LH: What do you think is your best competitive edge, and how do you think you'll keep this going and maintain it?
SH: Well we have 40 years of experience and we can claim that so far, we still can maintain the leadership in the market.
LH: When we think about the gambling business, we often think about, you know, gangs, prostitution, you know the sin businesses, but how do you view the industry?
SH: Well let me tell you, I know nothing of gambling, I still don't gamble. I've got this franchise because it was a challenge for me, because I cannot understand why only as 40 miles apart, Hong Kong was so prosperous and Macau was a dying city. So again I love challenges, I put in a bid and I won the concession.
LH: But surely you do agree though that there is this issue of violence and gangs, associated with this business?
SH: Well let me tell you, I am in 40 odd years of business and I still don't need to associate with any of the gangs, because for me, I am running a gambling business. In fact, when I first started the Macau people said don't believe Stanley Ho, he is the biggest liar on earth, he can promise you the moon and nothing will happen. But no -- I made one promise when I took over, I said the view that my enterprise is one of merely gambling character is a misconception. I promised Macau I will bring you new prosperity, I will try to bring more welfare and better cause of living for your citizens, and I am happy to tell you now, I have fulfilled all my promises.
LH: Dr. Ho, but what about the reports of money laundering and reports like that, do you worry about it? Does it affect you? Do you worry that it might tarnish your image, something?
SH: Well quite frankly, this talk of money laundering only started after the 9/11 incident in America. We have never heard of laundering in Macau, money laundering is unheard of. Mind you, my casino, every bit of money -- someone says Stanley Ho, you issue me a check of so much money -- we don't give that easy. We will first of all find out, where he won the money, from which table, and then we have this gaming commission in Macau -- very strong -- they will also join us to check very clearly that this man really made the money in the casino before we issue a check. So really, we've never heard of money laundering.
LH: Dr. Ho you also, aside from the work in gambling business, you also sit on a number of committees, political committees -- like the CPPCC (The Chinese Consultative Party) you were a member of the Hong Kong SAR selection committee, the basic law committee. I was just wondering how do you view the now growing pro-democracy voice in Hong Kong, and Hong Kong's future, having been born there?
SH: Let me tell you honestly, the success of Macau is because we have only two democrats, and therefore Edmund Ho could run the place so successfully. Let's be honest, when first we heard that Macau and Hong Kong will go back to mainland China, we only dream of talking about immigration, whether we should go to USA, Canada or Australia, and so on, and we have already been very worried that China will redden Hong Kong and Macau, so all we have to do is no more business, we'll all have to hold a red book and talk about Mao Tse-tung thoughts and everyday attend meetings, learning how to fight against one another. So, we never dreamed that we would suddenly have this Deng Xiao-ping who created this new one country two systems, so really we were so surprised when we were told in the end that you can have your capitalist system unchanged for 50 years. Which means there would be enough democracy and freedom. So what's the point of leaving Hong Kong anymore? So as a result most of these people who immigrated abroad, they all came back. And I tell you very frankly, that I am extremely happy with my ways of living in Hong Kong and Macau, it is completely free.
LH: And hasn't changed?
SH: And no change
LH: So this pro-democracy voice that's growing, is what? A nuisance?
SH: Well quite frankly they are fighting for themselves. The two democrats in Macau is completely different, they know they are completely overruled, so they are more sensible. Lets enjoy our living in Macau.
LH: And keep the pro-democracy voice at a minimum?
SH: Exactly.
LH: More of our conversation with Hong Kong business tycoon Stanley Ho, just ahead.
LH: Welcome back to TalkAsia. Some call Stanley Ho the patriarch of Macau. That's because in the past forty years, he's developed some of Macau's most famous landmarks and key infrastructure, including the main bridge and international airport. In recognition of his contributions, the government has named an avenue after him. But I can't help wonder what the man behind the businessman, is really like.
SH: What am I like? Well I am very normal; the only difference is I don't gamble
LH: For sure right?
SH: I don't gamble at all, all my life. I am only interested in sports.
LH: Even the king of gambling?
SH: Well I enjoy this name, but to be very frank I don't deserve this casino king, I don't gamble, how can I be the casino king?
LH: And as a child, I read that you were born to a very powerful, a very wealthy family, is that correct?
SH: From the start.
LH: So, you were lucky right from the start?
SH: Right from the start.
LH: Is it true that your father lost his fortune and therefore he left the family?
SH: Yes, my poor father and my uncles, they were all involved with the Jardine family. So they speculated heavily on Yee Yong shares, they all went broke, they all had to leave Hong Kong, some even committed suicide
LH: So that is true?
SH: So from riches when I was a young boy of six, seven, eight and then when I got to the age of 13, one night my mother suddenly called me, 'Stanley I am very sorry to give you bad news, I can't afford to even pay your school fees'. So imagine...
LH: How did you deal with that as a teenager?
SH: Well I didn't sleep the whole night, I wasn't a good boy in school, my marks were very average even in class four in those days, I had to get a conditional pass. But mind you, after that-class three, I was in class 'd' and I managed to get a scholarship every year from then on.
LH: Why the change? What happened?
SH: Well I had to study, I had to convert myself into a very hard-working young boy and I got very high marks thereafter.
LH: But what was it like to lose everything and not have the pleasures that you had?
SH: Now, I'll give you an idea, when I was eight, my father had a pleasure boat, we had a few motor cars on the road, we had a summer house in Stanley-where I got my name-and we were really enjoying so much, we were absolutely spoilt. From that, to imagine-to rags, when even my own family members -- I meet them in the street, they would turn away their faces. Really, you have to learn from humility, which is a good lesson for me.
LH: Was it at that time that you made your plans, and thought 'I don't want to be like this, I want to be wealthy'?
SH: I saw my mother crying everyday going to a pawn shop everyday to keep us going, and I promised her I will make good no matter what. So I managed to bring her from Hong Kong to Macau during the war years, and she lived here happily thereafter.
LH: Why Macau?
SH: Because I became a refugee in Macau during 1941, we had this war in Hong Kong, I fought for the government as an air raid warden for 15 days. Our government surrendered, Hong Kong Government surrendered, so I took a junk and came to Macau in 16 hours and I was a refugee, so that's why I was so much indebted to Macau. I took Macau as a second home, they treated me so well -- with 10 dollars in my pocket, I became a millionaire in one year, in one year's time, imagine, during the war years. But I had to work extremely hard. From morning 6 o'clock up to night 10 o'clock when I go to bed, I had absolutely no other enjoyment. So for three years I was like that. So really I believe now, to succeed you must have the spirit of hard working, the enthusiasm, enthusiasm for learning and the spirit of making good your promises.
LH: Dr. Ho you have invested in basically every facet of Macau's economy and abroad as well, have you ever made a bad investment?
SH: So far no, really I've been very fortunate, so far no.
LH: Why do you think it is? Why do you think you've done so well?
SH: Well, unfortunately the element of luck is minimal. All my life, I never believed in luck, so in my case I could say well maybe five per cent luck. For example, during my first ten years of operation of the casino, I wasn't too successful and then suddenly, all of a sudden, Hong Kong started to issue immigration permits allowing people to come to Macau -- so that year, I can say that's luck, really.
LH: Just ahead-Ho shares with me some of his favorite dance moves.
LH: You're back with TalkAsia and a very rare conversation with Hong Kong business tycoon Stanley Ho. At 83, he's still going strong. He heads both the Hong Kong listed Shun Tak Holdings, and S-J-M, one of the three gaming concessionaries in Macau. He also holds honorary titles at multiple charitable, educational and business organizations. In the final part of my interview, I asked what he thinks is the world's biggest misconception about him?
SH: Well, so far, I think I have received the biggest number of medals from all over the world than anyone in Hong Kong or Macau. But unfortunately, some people still think that Stanley Ho knows too many triads and are connected with the triads. This is very unfair, a real misconception. If I have received even medals from his holiness the pope, you can imagine how much I have done, how much charity, how much help I have given to the church to get such a medal. Not to mention all the others.
LH: Dr. Ho, other than your businesses, we often read about your family and personal life that gets into the news. How do you handle all this publicity about your personal life and the family feuds and all these other issues that are non-business related?
SH: Well I must admit that my life is rather complicated. But just the same I have been treating all my sons and daughters very well. I have done my part, I have given them the best education they can get, I always believe that education is most important. So even for charity I always give priority to education because I always teach young people -- knowledge is your real companion, your life long companion not fortune. Fortune can disappear.
LH: what do you hope that they can learn from you?
SH: Well I think my elder ones are doing very well, as you have seen. They are helping me and trying to relieve me from too much work -- I am a little over worked even now. Because as you understand we have all these new companies from America and I must compete. I want to prove that I will still maintain to be the market leader so let us see.
LH: No plans to retire? No plans to slow down? I mean after all you could enjoy everything you've earned now.
SH: I really enjoy so much, and not only that the chief executive as expressed more than once, so has mainland China, Stanley Ho, we wish you good health, please carry on for the time being. So no choice -- I cannot retire.
LH: No choice. Is it important for you to have one of your children maybe be a part of the future whole dynasty?
SH: Well I hope to have a long life to start with. So I hope I don't have think about that for the time being. You look at me, I'm quite healthy I play tennis twice a week, I still maintain the veteran open champion in Hong Kong.
LH: You're making me jealous here. I was just going to ask what is the secret to your youthful look, do you take any medicine, to sleep x amount of hours, is it genetic? What is it?
SH: No secrets at all, I lead a normal life but I must believe that sports has brought me this good health, only sports. I swim everyday and I did a lot of walking, I do a lot of dancing and I hope to be able to dance with you later.
LH: Thank you, well I hope not to let you down. Do you have Dr. Ho many true friends, people you can pull aside and discuss your problems with, people that you really really trust?
SH: I do have. I have really many many good friends, real sincere friends
LH: That is hard to come by isn't it? Especially a man in your situation.
SH: You have to weigh it very carefully whether they are my real friends or whether they are after my money.
LH: That's right. And you seek advice from them?
SH: I think it's the other way around, they normally ask me for advice.
LH: And who do you seek advice from then?
SH: Well I certainly would seek advice from the two chief executives, Tung and Edmond.
LH: Dr. Ho when you look back at all your life so far -- both business and personal -- how has your life or your outlook on life changed through the years, or has it?
SH: Quite frankly I have never been happier in my life during these few years. I think China has been most liberal to both Hong Kong and Macau. We should enjoy this freedom, this so called one country, two systems, it is working very well in Macau and I hope in due time Hong Kong will do the same.
LH: Hong Kong Business tycoon and Macau's patriarch, Stanley Ho. And that is TalkAsia this week as promised, we leave you with pictures of Ho doing what he loves best -- the cha-cha. Thank you very much for joining us. I'm Lorraine Hahn. Let's talk again next week.
pgdm sec-a
3rd sem
Wednesday, October 13, 2004 Posted: 1:07 AM EDT (0507 GMT)
Airdate: October 2nd, 2004
LH: Lorraine Hahn
SH: Stanley Ho
Lorraine Hahn: This week on TalkAsia: One of Asia's most influential businessmen and Macau's casino king. This is TalkAsia.
Welcome to TalkAsia. I'm Lorraine Hahn. Our guest this week needs little introduction. For four decades, Stanley Ho held the sole gaming concession in Macau. But three years ago-that all changed. He now faces new competition from some pretty hardcore veterans. Las Vegas businessman Sheldon Adelson has already flung open the doors of his multi million dollar casino The Sands to enthusiastic reception and reviews earlier this year. While his rival Steve Wynn -- whose properties include the Mirage and the Bellagio, is developing a 14 acre site right next door to Ho's flagship and Macau icon- Casino and Hotel Lisboa.
For the record, Ho still owns 12 of the current 14 casinos operating in Macau. While his billion dollar business empire spans across the globe. He recently gave us a rare one on one interview at the Hotel Lisboa in Macau. So let's begin with the question on everyone's mind -- how does he feel about the new comers?
SH: Well I love competition all my life, as long as they are complimentary -- and so far so good. I think now we have two newcomers and we are working side-by-side, not hard fighting, all complimentary.
LH: Did you see it coming?
SH: Well you see, ever since this relaxation of individual travelers from mainland China, we are getting excellent business. You must have noticed crowds all over the place and we, all three of us, are doing excellent business.
LH: What do you think is your best competitive edge, and how do you think you'll keep this going and maintain it?
SH: Well we have 40 years of experience and we can claim that so far, we still can maintain the leadership in the market.
LH: When we think about the gambling business, we often think about, you know, gangs, prostitution, you know the sin businesses, but how do you view the industry?
SH: Well let me tell you, I know nothing of gambling, I still don't gamble. I've got this franchise because it was a challenge for me, because I cannot understand why only as 40 miles apart, Hong Kong was so prosperous and Macau was a dying city. So again I love challenges, I put in a bid and I won the concession.
LH: But surely you do agree though that there is this issue of violence and gangs, associated with this business?
SH: Well let me tell you, I am in 40 odd years of business and I still don't need to associate with any of the gangs, because for me, I am running a gambling business. In fact, when I first started the Macau people said don't believe Stanley Ho, he is the biggest liar on earth, he can promise you the moon and nothing will happen. But no -- I made one promise when I took over, I said the view that my enterprise is one of merely gambling character is a misconception. I promised Macau I will bring you new prosperity, I will try to bring more welfare and better cause of living for your citizens, and I am happy to tell you now, I have fulfilled all my promises.
LH: Dr. Ho, but what about the reports of money laundering and reports like that, do you worry about it? Does it affect you? Do you worry that it might tarnish your image, something?
SH: Well quite frankly, this talk of money laundering only started after the 9/11 incident in America. We have never heard of laundering in Macau, money laundering is unheard of. Mind you, my casino, every bit of money -- someone says Stanley Ho, you issue me a check of so much money -- we don't give that easy. We will first of all find out, where he won the money, from which table, and then we have this gaming commission in Macau -- very strong -- they will also join us to check very clearly that this man really made the money in the casino before we issue a check. So really, we've never heard of money laundering.
LH: Dr. Ho you also, aside from the work in gambling business, you also sit on a number of committees, political committees -- like the CPPCC (The Chinese Consultative Party) you were a member of the Hong Kong SAR selection committee, the basic law committee. I was just wondering how do you view the now growing pro-democracy voice in Hong Kong, and Hong Kong's future, having been born there?
SH: Let me tell you honestly, the success of Macau is because we have only two democrats, and therefore Edmund Ho could run the place so successfully. Let's be honest, when first we heard that Macau and Hong Kong will go back to mainland China, we only dream of talking about immigration, whether we should go to USA, Canada or Australia, and so on, and we have already been very worried that China will redden Hong Kong and Macau, so all we have to do is no more business, we'll all have to hold a red book and talk about Mao Tse-tung thoughts and everyday attend meetings, learning how to fight against one another. So, we never dreamed that we would suddenly have this Deng Xiao-ping who created this new one country two systems, so really we were so surprised when we were told in the end that you can have your capitalist system unchanged for 50 years. Which means there would be enough democracy and freedom. So what's the point of leaving Hong Kong anymore? So as a result most of these people who immigrated abroad, they all came back. And I tell you very frankly, that I am extremely happy with my ways of living in Hong Kong and Macau, it is completely free.
LH: And hasn't changed?
SH: And no change
LH: So this pro-democracy voice that's growing, is what? A nuisance?
SH: Well quite frankly they are fighting for themselves. The two democrats in Macau is completely different, they know they are completely overruled, so they are more sensible. Lets enjoy our living in Macau.
LH: And keep the pro-democracy voice at a minimum?
SH: Exactly.
LH: More of our conversation with Hong Kong business tycoon Stanley Ho, just ahead.
LH: Welcome back to TalkAsia. Some call Stanley Ho the patriarch of Macau. That's because in the past forty years, he's developed some of Macau's most famous landmarks and key infrastructure, including the main bridge and international airport. In recognition of his contributions, the government has named an avenue after him. But I can't help wonder what the man behind the businessman, is really like.
SH: What am I like? Well I am very normal; the only difference is I don't gamble
LH: For sure right?
SH: I don't gamble at all, all my life. I am only interested in sports.
LH: Even the king of gambling?
SH: Well I enjoy this name, but to be very frank I don't deserve this casino king, I don't gamble, how can I be the casino king?
LH: And as a child, I read that you were born to a very powerful, a very wealthy family, is that correct?
SH: From the start.
LH: So, you were lucky right from the start?
SH: Right from the start.
LH: Is it true that your father lost his fortune and therefore he left the family?
SH: Yes, my poor father and my uncles, they were all involved with the Jardine family. So they speculated heavily on Yee Yong shares, they all went broke, they all had to leave Hong Kong, some even committed suicide
LH: So that is true?
SH: So from riches when I was a young boy of six, seven, eight and then when I got to the age of 13, one night my mother suddenly called me, 'Stanley I am very sorry to give you bad news, I can't afford to even pay your school fees'. So imagine...
LH: How did you deal with that as a teenager?
SH: Well I didn't sleep the whole night, I wasn't a good boy in school, my marks were very average even in class four in those days, I had to get a conditional pass. But mind you, after that-class three, I was in class 'd' and I managed to get a scholarship every year from then on.
LH: Why the change? What happened?
SH: Well I had to study, I had to convert myself into a very hard-working young boy and I got very high marks thereafter.
LH: But what was it like to lose everything and not have the pleasures that you had?
SH: Now, I'll give you an idea, when I was eight, my father had a pleasure boat, we had a few motor cars on the road, we had a summer house in Stanley-where I got my name-and we were really enjoying so much, we were absolutely spoilt. From that, to imagine-to rags, when even my own family members -- I meet them in the street, they would turn away their faces. Really, you have to learn from humility, which is a good lesson for me.
LH: Was it at that time that you made your plans, and thought 'I don't want to be like this, I want to be wealthy'?
SH: I saw my mother crying everyday going to a pawn shop everyday to keep us going, and I promised her I will make good no matter what. So I managed to bring her from Hong Kong to Macau during the war years, and she lived here happily thereafter.
LH: Why Macau?
SH: Because I became a refugee in Macau during 1941, we had this war in Hong Kong, I fought for the government as an air raid warden for 15 days. Our government surrendered, Hong Kong Government surrendered, so I took a junk and came to Macau in 16 hours and I was a refugee, so that's why I was so much indebted to Macau. I took Macau as a second home, they treated me so well -- with 10 dollars in my pocket, I became a millionaire in one year, in one year's time, imagine, during the war years. But I had to work extremely hard. From morning 6 o'clock up to night 10 o'clock when I go to bed, I had absolutely no other enjoyment. So for three years I was like that. So really I believe now, to succeed you must have the spirit of hard working, the enthusiasm, enthusiasm for learning and the spirit of making good your promises.
LH: Dr. Ho you have invested in basically every facet of Macau's economy and abroad as well, have you ever made a bad investment?
SH: So far no, really I've been very fortunate, so far no.
LH: Why do you think it is? Why do you think you've done so well?
SH: Well, unfortunately the element of luck is minimal. All my life, I never believed in luck, so in my case I could say well maybe five per cent luck. For example, during my first ten years of operation of the casino, I wasn't too successful and then suddenly, all of a sudden, Hong Kong started to issue immigration permits allowing people to come to Macau -- so that year, I can say that's luck, really.
LH: Just ahead-Ho shares with me some of his favorite dance moves.
LH: You're back with TalkAsia and a very rare conversation with Hong Kong business tycoon Stanley Ho. At 83, he's still going strong. He heads both the Hong Kong listed Shun Tak Holdings, and S-J-M, one of the three gaming concessionaries in Macau. He also holds honorary titles at multiple charitable, educational and business organizations. In the final part of my interview, I asked what he thinks is the world's biggest misconception about him?
SH: Well, so far, I think I have received the biggest number of medals from all over the world than anyone in Hong Kong or Macau. But unfortunately, some people still think that Stanley Ho knows too many triads and are connected with the triads. This is very unfair, a real misconception. If I have received even medals from his holiness the pope, you can imagine how much I have done, how much charity, how much help I have given to the church to get such a medal. Not to mention all the others.
LH: Dr. Ho, other than your businesses, we often read about your family and personal life that gets into the news. How do you handle all this publicity about your personal life and the family feuds and all these other issues that are non-business related?
SH: Well I must admit that my life is rather complicated. But just the same I have been treating all my sons and daughters very well. I have done my part, I have given them the best education they can get, I always believe that education is most important. So even for charity I always give priority to education because I always teach young people -- knowledge is your real companion, your life long companion not fortune. Fortune can disappear.
LH: what do you hope that they can learn from you?
SH: Well I think my elder ones are doing very well, as you have seen. They are helping me and trying to relieve me from too much work -- I am a little over worked even now. Because as you understand we have all these new companies from America and I must compete. I want to prove that I will still maintain to be the market leader so let us see.
LH: No plans to retire? No plans to slow down? I mean after all you could enjoy everything you've earned now.
SH: I really enjoy so much, and not only that the chief executive as expressed more than once, so has mainland China, Stanley Ho, we wish you good health, please carry on for the time being. So no choice -- I cannot retire.
LH: No choice. Is it important for you to have one of your children maybe be a part of the future whole dynasty?
SH: Well I hope to have a long life to start with. So I hope I don't have think about that for the time being. You look at me, I'm quite healthy I play tennis twice a week, I still maintain the veteran open champion in Hong Kong.
LH: You're making me jealous here. I was just going to ask what is the secret to your youthful look, do you take any medicine, to sleep x amount of hours, is it genetic? What is it?
SH: No secrets at all, I lead a normal life but I must believe that sports has brought me this good health, only sports. I swim everyday and I did a lot of walking, I do a lot of dancing and I hope to be able to dance with you later.
LH: Thank you, well I hope not to let you down. Do you have Dr. Ho many true friends, people you can pull aside and discuss your problems with, people that you really really trust?
SH: I do have. I have really many many good friends, real sincere friends
LH: That is hard to come by isn't it? Especially a man in your situation.
SH: You have to weigh it very carefully whether they are my real friends or whether they are after my money.
LH: That's right. And you seek advice from them?
SH: I think it's the other way around, they normally ask me for advice.
LH: And who do you seek advice from then?
SH: Well I certainly would seek advice from the two chief executives, Tung and Edmond.
LH: Dr. Ho when you look back at all your life so far -- both business and personal -- how has your life or your outlook on life changed through the years, or has it?
SH: Quite frankly I have never been happier in my life during these few years. I think China has been most liberal to both Hong Kong and Macau. We should enjoy this freedom, this so called one country, two systems, it is working very well in Macau and I hope in due time Hong Kong will do the same.
LH: Hong Kong Business tycoon and Macau's patriarch, Stanley Ho. And that is TalkAsia this week as promised, we leave you with pictures of Ho doing what he loves best -- the cha-cha. Thank you very much for joining us. I'm Lorraine Hahn. Let's talk again next week.
pgdm sec-a
3rd sem
Biography of Dr Stanley Ho
Dr Stanley Ho
Dr Stanley Ho is a leading businessman in Hong Kong and Macau - Group Executive Chairman of ShunTak Holdings Limited and Managing Director of Sociedade de Turismo e Diversoes de Macau, SARL. His business interests span the world, covering tourism and entertainment, shipping, property development, banking, airport and airline, and many others.
Among his many concerns, his interest in ballroom dancing is well known. He is a generous sponsor of major dancing performances in Hong Kong and Macau, like the Hong Kong Arts Festival and the Macau Arts Festival, and has been actively involved in promoting dancing by inviting internationally renowned dancing groups to perform in Hong Kong and Macau, like the National Ballet of China.
He is a keen supporter of the Royal Opera House Trust and an Honorary Member of the Grand Council of the Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing. Dr. Ho is noted for leading the dance floor in performances of the Tango, Cha Cha and Waltz in important charitable functions, and is often seen on television for dancing performances to raise funds for the charities.
pgdm sec-a
3rd sem
Dr Stanley Ho is a leading businessman in Hong Kong and Macau - Group Executive Chairman of ShunTak Holdings Limited and Managing Director of Sociedade de Turismo e Diversoes de Macau, SARL. His business interests span the world, covering tourism and entertainment, shipping, property development, banking, airport and airline, and many others.
Among his many concerns, his interest in ballroom dancing is well known. He is a generous sponsor of major dancing performances in Hong Kong and Macau, like the Hong Kong Arts Festival and the Macau Arts Festival, and has been actively involved in promoting dancing by inviting internationally renowned dancing groups to perform in Hong Kong and Macau, like the National Ballet of China.
He is a keen supporter of the Royal Opera House Trust and an Honorary Member of the Grand Council of the Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing. Dr. Ho is noted for leading the dance floor in performances of the Tango, Cha Cha and Waltz in important charitable functions, and is often seen on television for dancing performances to raise funds for the charities.
pgdm sec-a
3rd sem
Friday, October 30, 2009
verghese kurien
Verghese Kurien Profile
Born: November 26, 1921
Achievement: Known as the "father of the white revolution" in India; Winner of Ramon Magsaysay Award; Awarded with Padma Shri (1965), Padma Bhushan (1966), and Padma Vibhushan (1999).
Dr. Verghese Kurien is better known as the "father of the white revolution" in India. He is also called as the Milkman of India. Dr. Varghese Kurien was the architect behind the success of the largest dairy development program in the world, christened as Operation Flood. He was the chairman of the Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd. (GCMMF) and his name was synonymous with the Amul brand.
Born on November 26, 1921 in Kozhikode, Kerala, Dr. Verghese Kurien graduated with Physics from Loyola College, Madras in 1940. Subsequently, he did his B.E.(Mechanical) from the Madras University and went to USA on a government scholarship to do his Masters in Mechanical Engineering from Michigan State University. In between, he completed special studies in engineering at the Tata Iron and Steel Company Institute at Jamshedpur, Bihar, in February 1946 and underwent nine months of specialized training in dairy engineering at the National Dairy Research Institute of Bangalore.
Dr. Verghese Kurien returned from America in 1948 and joined the Dairy Department of the Government of India. In May 1949, he was posted as Dairy Engineer at the Government Research Creamery, a small milk-powder factory, in Anand, Gujarat. Around this time, the newly formed cooperative dairy, Kaira District Cooperative Milk Producers' Union Limited ((KDCMPUL), was engaged in battle of survival with the privately owned Polson Dairy, which was a giant in its field. Enthused by the challenge, Dr. Verghese Kurien left his government job and volunteered to help Shri Tribhuvandas Patel, the Chairman of KDCMPUL, to set up a processing plant. This led to the birth of AMUL and the rest is history.
In 1965, the then Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri, created the National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) under the leadership of Dr. Verghese Kurien to replicate the success story of Amul throughout the country. In 1973, Dr. Kurien set up GCMMF (Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation) to market the products produced by the dairies. Under Dr. Kurien's stewardship India became the as the largest producer of milk in the world,
During his illustrious career, Dr. Verghese Kurien won many accolades and awards. These include: Ramon Magsaysay Award for Community Leadership (1963), Padma Shri (1965), Padma Bhushan (1966), Krishi Ratna Award (1986), Wateler Peace Prize Award of Carnegie Foundation (1986), World Food Prize Laureate (1989), International Person of the Year(1993) by the World Dairy Expo, Madison, Wisconsin, USA, and Padma Vibhushan (1999).
pgdm(3rd sem)sec"b"
Born: November 26, 1921
Achievement: Known as the "father of the white revolution" in India; Winner of Ramon Magsaysay Award; Awarded with Padma Shri (1965), Padma Bhushan (1966), and Padma Vibhushan (1999).
Dr. Verghese Kurien is better known as the "father of the white revolution" in India. He is also called as the Milkman of India. Dr. Varghese Kurien was the architect behind the success of the largest dairy development program in the world, christened as Operation Flood. He was the chairman of the Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd. (GCMMF) and his name was synonymous with the Amul brand.
Born on November 26, 1921 in Kozhikode, Kerala, Dr. Verghese Kurien graduated with Physics from Loyola College, Madras in 1940. Subsequently, he did his B.E.(Mechanical) from the Madras University and went to USA on a government scholarship to do his Masters in Mechanical Engineering from Michigan State University. In between, he completed special studies in engineering at the Tata Iron and Steel Company Institute at Jamshedpur, Bihar, in February 1946 and underwent nine months of specialized training in dairy engineering at the National Dairy Research Institute of Bangalore.
Dr. Verghese Kurien returned from America in 1948 and joined the Dairy Department of the Government of India. In May 1949, he was posted as Dairy Engineer at the Government Research Creamery, a small milk-powder factory, in Anand, Gujarat. Around this time, the newly formed cooperative dairy, Kaira District Cooperative Milk Producers' Union Limited ((KDCMPUL), was engaged in battle of survival with the privately owned Polson Dairy, which was a giant in its field. Enthused by the challenge, Dr. Verghese Kurien left his government job and volunteered to help Shri Tribhuvandas Patel, the Chairman of KDCMPUL, to set up a processing plant. This led to the birth of AMUL and the rest is history.
In 1965, the then Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri, created the National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) under the leadership of Dr. Verghese Kurien to replicate the success story of Amul throughout the country. In 1973, Dr. Kurien set up GCMMF (Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation) to market the products produced by the dairies. Under Dr. Kurien's stewardship India became the as the largest producer of milk in the world,
During his illustrious career, Dr. Verghese Kurien won many accolades and awards. These include: Ramon Magsaysay Award for Community Leadership (1963), Padma Shri (1965), Padma Bhushan (1966), Krishi Ratna Award (1986), Wateler Peace Prize Award of Carnegie Foundation (1986), World Food Prize Laureate (1989), International Person of the Year(1993) by the World Dairy Expo, Madison, Wisconsin, USA, and Padma Vibhushan (1999).
pgdm(3rd sem)sec"b"
naina lal kidwai
Naina Lal Kidwai
A prominent personality of the corporate world, she is the first woman to guide the functioning of a foreign bank in India. At present, she is working as the Group General Manager and Country Head of HSBC India. Well, we are talking about the corporate diva Naina Lal Kidwai. In this article, we will present you with the biography of Naina Lal Kidwai.
She was born in the year 1957. Raised in Mumbai and Delhi, she did her schooling from Simla. Alumna of Delhi University, she is the first Indian woman to have graduated from Harvard Business School. She is among the top business women of India, who have made it to the top with their constant hard work and sincerity. To know the complete life history of Naina Lal Kidwai, read on.
She began her career in the year 1982, when she joined the ANZ Grindlays Bank, which is now known as the Standard Chartered Bank. She took up a variety of banking assignments before moving to Morgan Stanley's India operation. She kept climbing the ladders of success. She played an important role in NYSE listing of Wipro. She was instrumental in facilitating the cellular phone services nationwide through a deal involving the Tatas and Birlas. Last November, she became the Managing Director of the HSBC bank.
In the year 2000, the Fortune magazine declared her as the third most powerful businesswoman in Asia. She is the mother of two children, who is maintaining a great balance between work and home. She is very fond of Indian classical as well as western music. She loves to go on trekking tours to the Himalayas. She is a nature lover, who has a keen interest in observing the wildlife. For her praiseworthy work, Naina Lal Kidwai has received many accolades. Her commendable work has been given due recognition by honoring her with the Padmashri award.
pgdm(3rd sem)sec"b"
A prominent personality of the corporate world, she is the first woman to guide the functioning of a foreign bank in India. At present, she is working as the Group General Manager and Country Head of HSBC India. Well, we are talking about the corporate diva Naina Lal Kidwai. In this article, we will present you with the biography of Naina Lal Kidwai.
She was born in the year 1957. Raised in Mumbai and Delhi, she did her schooling from Simla. Alumna of Delhi University, she is the first Indian woman to have graduated from Harvard Business School. She is among the top business women of India, who have made it to the top with their constant hard work and sincerity. To know the complete life history of Naina Lal Kidwai, read on.
She began her career in the year 1982, when she joined the ANZ Grindlays Bank, which is now known as the Standard Chartered Bank. She took up a variety of banking assignments before moving to Morgan Stanley's India operation. She kept climbing the ladders of success. She played an important role in NYSE listing of Wipro. She was instrumental in facilitating the cellular phone services nationwide through a deal involving the Tatas and Birlas. Last November, she became the Managing Director of the HSBC bank.
In the year 2000, the Fortune magazine declared her as the third most powerful businesswoman in Asia. She is the mother of two children, who is maintaining a great balance between work and home. She is very fond of Indian classical as well as western music. She loves to go on trekking tours to the Himalayas. She is a nature lover, who has a keen interest in observing the wildlife. For her praiseworthy work, Naina Lal Kidwai has received many accolades. Her commendable work has been given due recognition by honoring her with the Padmashri award.
pgdm(3rd sem)sec"b"
Biography of Deepak Parekh
Deepak Parekh is Chairman of HDFC, the India`s leading housing finance company. After finishing his Chartered Accountant course, he joined Ernst & Ernst Management Consultancy Services in New York. He then worked with Grindlays Bank and also Chase Manhattan Bank as its assistant representative for South Asia.
In the year 1978, Deepak Parekh joined HDFC. Later on, he was promoted as its Managing Director in 1985 and then appointed as its Chairman in 1993. Deepak Parekh also serves as Non-Executive Chairman of Infrastructure Development Finance Company Ltd (IDFC). He is also on the Board of several other companies like Castrol BP India; Hindustan Lever; Siemens Ltd, Mahindra & Mahindra and Indian Hotels Company.
Honors & Awards:
Businessman of the Year 1996 by Business India
JRD Tata Corporate Leadership Award by All India Management Association (AIMA)
First recipient of the Qimpro Platinum Award
Youngest recipient of the prestigious Corporate Award for Life Time Achievement by the Economic Times
Padma Bhushan
Anand kumar Pandey
pgdm 3rd sem
In the year 1978, Deepak Parekh joined HDFC. Later on, he was promoted as its Managing Director in 1985 and then appointed as its Chairman in 1993. Deepak Parekh also serves as Non-Executive Chairman of Infrastructure Development Finance Company Ltd (IDFC). He is also on the Board of several other companies like Castrol BP India; Hindustan Lever; Siemens Ltd, Mahindra & Mahindra and Indian Hotels Company.
Honors & Awards:
Businessman of the Year 1996 by Business India
JRD Tata Corporate Leadership Award by All India Management Association (AIMA)
First recipient of the Qimpro Platinum Award
Youngest recipient of the prestigious Corporate Award for Life Time Achievement by the Economic Times
Padma Bhushan
Anand kumar Pandey
pgdm 3rd sem
Biography of Gautam Thapar
Gautam Thapar Return to Ballarpur Industries Ltd.
Non Executive Chairman, Promoter, Chairman of Shareholders/Investors Grievance Committee, Member of Audit Committee and Member of Remuneration Committee, Crompton Greaves Ltd. 5757
This person is connected to 57 board members in 6 different organizations across 4 different industries.
Gautam Thapar serves as Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of Avantha Group. Mr. Thapar served as Managing Director of Ballarpur Industries Ltd. and BILT Paper Holding Ltd.Mr. Thapar has been Chairman of the Board of Ballarpur Industries Ltd. since July 1, 2006 and serves as Director. He has been Chairman of Crompton Greaves Ltd. since July 22, 2004 and serves as its Director. Previously, he served as Vice Chairman of Crompton Greaves Ltd., until July ... 22, 2004. He served as Vice Chairman of Ballarpur Industries Ltd. He serves as Chairman of Northern Region of Confederation of Indian Industry and Salient Business Solutions, Ltd. Mr. Thapar serves as Director of Osian's-Connoisseurs of Art Private Limited, Asahi India Glass Ltd., Ballarpur Industries Ltd. and Aserves as hi India Glass Ltd. He served as Director of Greaves Cotton Limited. from October 19, 2006 to May 2007. He Graduated in chemical engineering from Pratt University.
pgdm sec-a
3rd sem
Gautam Thapar Return to Ballarpur Industries Ltd.
Non Executive Chairman, Promoter, Chairman of Shareholders/Investors Grievance Committee, Member of Audit Committee and Member of Remuneration Committee, Crompton Greaves Ltd. 5757
This person is connected to 57 board members in 6 different organizations across 4 different industries.
Gautam Thapar serves as Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of Avantha Group. Mr. Thapar served as Managing Director of Ballarpur Industries Ltd. and BILT Paper Holding Ltd.Mr. Thapar has been Chairman of the Board of Ballarpur Industries Ltd. since July 1, 2006 and serves as Director. He has been Chairman of Crompton Greaves Ltd. since July 22, 2004 and serves as its Director. Previously, he served as Vice Chairman of Crompton Greaves Ltd., until July ... 22, 2004. He served as Vice Chairman of Ballarpur Industries Ltd. He serves as Chairman of Northern Region of Confederation of Indian Industry and Salient Business Solutions, Ltd. Mr. Thapar serves as Director of Osian's-Connoisseurs of Art Private Limited, Asahi India Glass Ltd., Ballarpur Industries Ltd. and Aserves as hi India Glass Ltd. He served as Director of Greaves Cotton Limited. from October 19, 2006 to May 2007. He Graduated in chemical engineering from Pratt University.
pgdm sec-a
3rd sem
Biography of Atul Sobti
Mr Sobti, an economics graduate from Delhi's prestigious St Stephen's College and an IIM-Ahmedabad MBA with a marketing major, was pretty much credited with Hero Honda's top gear ride from a local bike major to the worlds largest motorcycle manufacturer. When he joined as marketing head of Hero Honda, its annual sales were around 413,000 units. Seven years later, it had hit more than two million units! As COO of Ranbaxy, Mr Sobti ran the operations of the company and all key functions manufacturing, HR, marketing reported to him. He has been directly involved in the company's efforts to resolve the USFDA issue. He has been appointed the CEO and MD of India's largest drug maker at a time when it is going through the most turbulent phase of its history.
Anand kumar pandey
pgdm sec-a
3rd sem
Anand kumar pandey
pgdm sec-a
3rd sem
Profile of Harkirat Singh
Harkirat Singh
Managing Director, WOODLAND
Delhi Area, India
Managing Director at WOODLAND
Education: Rossijskij Gosudarstvennyj Torgovo-Economiceskij Universitet,
Delhi University,
Connections : 15 connections Industry Apparel & Fashion
Harkirat Singh’s Experience
Managing Director
(Apparel & Fashion industry)
January 1992 — Present (17 years 10 months)
Harkirat Singh’s Education
Rossijskij Gosudarstvennyj Torgovo-Economiceskij Universitet
Phillology 1990 — 1992
Delhi University
Bachelors of Arts , Economics , 1986 — 1989
1974 — 1986
Harkirat Singh’s Contact Settings
Interested In:
new ventures, business deals
khushboo singh
pgdm sec-a
Managing Director, WOODLAND
Delhi Area, India
Managing Director at WOODLAND
Education: Rossijskij Gosudarstvennyj Torgovo-Economiceskij Universitet,
Delhi University,
Connections : 15 connections Industry Apparel & Fashion
Harkirat Singh’s Experience
Managing Director
(Apparel & Fashion industry)
January 1992 — Present (17 years 10 months)
Harkirat Singh’s Education
Rossijskij Gosudarstvennyj Torgovo-Economiceskij Universitet
Phillology 1990 — 1992
Delhi University
Bachelors of Arts , Economics , 1986 — 1989
1974 — 1986
Harkirat Singh’s Contact Settings
Interested In:
new ventures, business deals
khushboo singh
pgdm sec-a
In 1867, Henri Nestlé, a pharmacist, developed a food for babies who were unable to breastfeed. His first success was a premature infant who could not tolerate his mother's milk or any of the usual substitutes. People quickly recognized the value of the new product, after Nestlé's new formula saved the child's life, and soon, Farine Lactée Henri Nestlé was being sold in much of Europe.Inventor: Henri Nestle (born Heinrich Nestle)
Criteria: First to invent. First practical. Entrepreneur.
Birth: August 10, 1814 in Frankfurt, Germany
Death: July 7, 1890 in Blonay (VD), Switzerland
Nationality: German
The origins of the Nestle Company go all the way back to 1867, when Henri Nestle created a nutritious product for infants that could be used by mothers who were unable to breast-feed. Henri Nestle made use of his family escutcheon, the "Nest", a graphic translation of his name, little nest, to personify the business. Evocative of security, maternity and affection, nature and nourishment, family and tradition, this symbol remains the central element in the Nestle corporate identity.
The first commercially sold infant formula; the first condensed milk produced in Europe; the first milk chocolate; the first soluble coffee; the first freeze-dried coffee; the first granulated instant coffee -- to name just a few.
Today, the Nestle Company has grown and expanded to include the widest range of wholesome foods for people throughout the world.
Nestle now produces the world's favorite brands in 489 factories worldwide. In 130 years of growth and diversification, we have never lost sight of our core business: improving the quality of people's lives through high-quality, nutritious, and convenient prepared foods and beverages. Today, Nestle brands are known on every continent, and some products -- like Nescafe, Carnation and Maggi -- are sold in more than 100 countries.
YEAR 2009-11
In 1867, Henri Nestlé, a pharmacist, developed a food for babies who were unable to breastfeed. His first success was a premature infant who could not tolerate his mother's milk or any of the usual substitutes. People quickly recognized the value of the new product, after Nestlé's new formula saved the child's life, and soon, Farine Lactée Henri Nestlé was being sold in much of Europe.Inventor: Henri Nestle (born Heinrich Nestle)
Criteria: First to invent. First practical. Entrepreneur.
Birth: August 10, 1814 in Frankfurt, Germany
Death: July 7, 1890 in Blonay (VD), Switzerland
Nationality: German
The origins of the Nestle Company go all the way back to 1867, when Henri Nestle created a nutritious product for infants that could be used by mothers who were unable to breast-feed. Henri Nestle made use of his family escutcheon, the "Nest", a graphic translation of his name, little nest, to personify the business. Evocative of security, maternity and affection, nature and nourishment, family and tradition, this symbol remains the central element in the Nestle corporate identity.
The first commercially sold infant formula; the first condensed milk produced in Europe; the first milk chocolate; the first soluble coffee; the first freeze-dried coffee; the first granulated instant coffee -- to name just a few.
Today, the Nestle Company has grown and expanded to include the widest range of wholesome foods for people throughout the world.
Nestle now produces the world's favorite brands in 489 factories worldwide. In 130 years of growth and diversification, we have never lost sight of our core business: improving the quality of people's lives through high-quality, nutritious, and convenient prepared foods and beverages. Today, Nestle brands are known on every continent, and some products -- like Nescafe, Carnation and Maggi -- are sold in more than 100 countries.
YEAR 2009-11
NEW DELHI - Indian tycoon Anil Ambani has extended an olive branch to his brother in the hope of settling an ugly feud which stemmed from a family pact that split their corporate empire, but his overture has been rebuffed.
After firing nearly daily volleys at his older brother Mukesh Ambani, Anil, 50, invoked "divine blessings" ahead of Diwali, the Festival of Lights, and announced he wanted a reconciliation.
In a statement he said has a "generous heart", and declared after a religious pilgrimage that a settlement would be a present for their ageing mother. But Mukesh, 52, said he found it hard to believe that Anil sincerely wants an end to the corporate soap opera that has riveted the nation.
Analysts dismissed the peace overture as a public relations gimmick even as shares of firms controlled by the billionaire siblings rose on hopes they would reconcile.
Anil's offer came just over a week before India's Supreme Court is to hear the dispute, which centres on a natural-gas contract involving output from India's most important gas field, the Krishna-Godavari basin.
Mukesh said in a statement through his Reliance Industries that the dispute "can now only be decisively resolved by a decision of the highest court". The Supreme Court is to open hearings in the case on Tuesday.
The seeds of the feud lie in a deal between the brothers slicing up the Reliance telecoms-to-energy empire built by their rags-to-riches father Dhirubhai Ambani, who died in 2002 leaving no will.
In the 2005 pact, Mukesh agreed to sell 28 million cubic metres of gas per day to Anil's energy company at US$2.34 ($3.27) per million British thermal units (mBtu) for 17 years. That is now 44 per cent below the government-set price. Reliance Industries insists the deal stipulated the supply of gas was subject to "approval by the government". Billions of dollars are at stake. AFP
After firing nearly daily volleys at his older brother Mukesh Ambani, Anil, 50, invoked "divine blessings" ahead of Diwali, the Festival of Lights, and announced he wanted a reconciliation.
In a statement he said has a "generous heart", and declared after a religious pilgrimage that a settlement would be a present for their ageing mother. But Mukesh, 52, said he found it hard to believe that Anil sincerely wants an end to the corporate soap opera that has riveted the nation.
Analysts dismissed the peace overture as a public relations gimmick even as shares of firms controlled by the billionaire siblings rose on hopes they would reconcile.
Anil's offer came just over a week before India's Supreme Court is to hear the dispute, which centres on a natural-gas contract involving output from India's most important gas field, the Krishna-Godavari basin.
Mukesh said in a statement through his Reliance Industries that the dispute "can now only be decisively resolved by a decision of the highest court". The Supreme Court is to open hearings in the case on Tuesday.
The seeds of the feud lie in a deal between the brothers slicing up the Reliance telecoms-to-energy empire built by their rags-to-riches father Dhirubhai Ambani, who died in 2002 leaving no will.
In the 2005 pact, Mukesh agreed to sell 28 million cubic metres of gas per day to Anil's energy company at US$2.34 ($3.27) per million British thermal units (mBtu) for 17 years. That is now 44 per cent below the government-set price. Reliance Industries insists the deal stipulated the supply of gas was subject to "approval by the government". Billions of dollars are at stake. AFP
Meg Whitman : Former CEO of online auction website eBay

Meg Whitman was the President and Chief Executive Officer of eBay, the world's largest and most well known online auction site. She left the company in 2008 to pursue her interest in politics.
Meg Whitman was born on August 4, 1956 in Cold Spring Harbor, New York where she grew up as the youngest of three children. Her father, a businessman, was often away from home, leaving Meg and her siblings to her mother's care.
After graduating from Cold Spring Harbor High School, Whitman attended Princeton University with the intention of studying medicine to become a doctor. After taking many of the biology and chemistry courses necessary as a premed student, Whitman decided to change her career goals and she settled on economics. Whitman became passionate about studying business and even had the Wall Street Journal delivered to her dorm room.
She graduated from Princeton in 1977 and attended Harvard Business School in order to earn her MBA. She received her master's degree in 1979 and immediately went to work for Proctor & Gamble as a brand assistant. Within two years the company promoted her to brand manager, a position through which Whitman learned a lot about marketing and branding of company and products, something that would come into play later when she helped build eBay.
During her time at Proctor & Gamble, Whitman met and married Griffith R. Harsh IV, a neurosurgeon and moved to San Francisco with him in 1981 when he took a residency position at the University of California at San Francisco. As a result of this move, Whitman needed to change jobs. Soon after settling in California, Whitman became vice president of the consulting firm Bain & Company, where she ended up working for eight years.
In 1989 Whitman changed jobs again, this time moving to the Walt Disney Corporation to become senior vice president of marketing for the consumer-products division. She would later credit her experience at Disney with teaching her a lot about running a large business.
In 1992, only a few years after she started working with Disney, Whitman once again moved with her husband when he took a job in Boston, Massachusetts. Whitman worked for StrideRite, a children's shoe company, for four years before accepting the position of Chief Executive Officer at Florists' Transworld Delivery (FTD), a job that ultimately dissuaded her from working in the corporate world. She resigned from her position in 1997 and took a job with Hasbro, a toy manufacturer, as a general manager marketing products.
In 1998 a corporate headhunter approached Whitman with an opportunity to work for a small internet start-up company in California's Silicon Valley. The company was named Auction Web, an online auction site started by computer programmer Pierre Omidyar. Originally intended to sell and trade pez dispensers, Auction Web had quickly become a leader in online auctions and had grown too big for Omidyar to handle. He was looking for someone to help direct the company's growth and hired, along with investors from Benchmark Capitol, a headhunter to find a qualified candidate.
Whitman was originally reluctant to accept, but, after spending a day with the Auction Web/eBay company, she agreed to take the job. She joined eBay in March 1998 and immediately began restructuring the marketing, graphics, and online approach of eBay. Eager to appeal to both individual sellers as well as larger companies and stores, Whitman helped guide the changes to create equality in the marketplace. Once all the necessary changes were in place, Whitman took eBay public in September of 1998. Within hours of their first public offering, eBay was listed as one of the fastest growing internet companies in the world. Whitman quickly became a miliionaire.
Within a few short years, Whitman helped eBay grow their customer base from 750,000 to over seven million. Although other internet auction sites tried to follow the eBay formula, the company had already established itself as a leader in the industry and remained almost untouchable. Whitman continued to restructure eBay services, making sure that the customer (the buyer) was always protected and that the site maintained a degree of quality control over the merchandise listed. Satisfied customers continued to spread the word, bringing more business to both eBay and the sellers on site. It was a win-win formula for everyone.
Tycoon Perussion Announces Key USA Distribution Partner
Tycoon Perussion Announces Key USA Distribution Partner - The Music Link
Tycoon Percussion has appointed The Music Link (TML) as our distribution partner in the USA. The Music Link will represent Tycoon Percussion throughout the United States and stock top selling products in their San Francisco, CA and Knoxville, TN warehouses. This agreement is extremely beneficial to our east coast dealers as they can now realize significant freight savings by purchasing products from TML’s Knoxville warehouse. The distribution agreement also gives dealers in the United States an option of buying directly from Tycoon Percussion or through The Music Link.
Made in Brazil is another key member that has recently joined the family of Tycoon Percussion distributors. As one of the leading musical instrument companies in Brazil, Made in Brazil was a logical choice for a distribution partner who can immediately establish the brand in this important percussion market.
Tycoon Percussion is delighted to have this partnership in place and we will work closely with Made in Brazil to make the brand one of the strongest in the South American market
Tycoon Percussion has appointed The Music Link (TML) as our distribution partner in the USA. The Music Link will represent Tycoon Percussion throughout the United States and stock top selling products in their San Francisco, CA and Knoxville, TN warehouses. This agreement is extremely beneficial to our east coast dealers as they can now realize significant freight savings by purchasing products from TML’s Knoxville warehouse. The distribution agreement also gives dealers in the United States an option of buying directly from Tycoon Percussion or through The Music Link.
Made in Brazil is another key member that has recently joined the family of Tycoon Percussion distributors. As one of the leading musical instrument companies in Brazil, Made in Brazil was a logical choice for a distribution partner who can immediately establish the brand in this important percussion market.
Tycoon Percussion is delighted to have this partnership in place and we will work closely with Made in Brazil to make the brand one of the strongest in the South American market
Tycoon Percussion Launches Internship Program
Featuring the tone, craftsmanship and playability that today’s leading artists have come to demand from super high-end world percussion - and come to expect from Tycoon Percussion - the renowned company is proud to introduce the latest addition to its Signature Series line of conga drums: the “Heritage” model. Signature “Heritage” Series congas are available in 10", 11", 11 ¾" and 12 ½" sizes and all the drums are custom-crafted from ecologically grown and harvested Siam Oak. The wood is hand-selected and aged to provide exceptional durability and an unmatched sound that is recommended for any style of music. Like all drums in Tycoon’s respected Signature Series line, the “Heritage” model combines the traditional 30” height with a characteristic extra-wide belly designed to project deep bass tones without sacrificing fullness or power.
Standard equipment on the new Heritage congas includes:
• Triple steel bands to accentuate the traditional appearance of the drums while providing increased structural support.
Tycoon Percussion Launches Internship Program
Following the successful “graduation” of their first-ever intern, Western Illinois University Music Business major Tony Lapsansky, this past summer, Tycoon Percussion has announced plans to continue the program by establishing a series of four-month intern positions beginning in January, 2010. The Tycoon intern program is intended to provide advanced college students with hands-on experience in the business side of the music business— covering the important parts of today’s business world, including sales, marketing, artist relations, research and development, finance, warehouse/inventory management, website management, and more.
“I would not be where I am today if I had not had been given the opportunity to do an internship at P.A.S. (Percussive Arts Society) in 1993,” states David Kelley, current Vice President of Tycoon Percussion who studied, played and taught drums before joining the sales and marketing departments of major companies such as Yamaha, Sabian and Mountain Rhythm. “Working as an intern allowed me to develop a network of contacts and gave me a variety of career choices within the percussion industry.”
Like Kelley, many of today’s leading drum industry executives began their careers as musicians and entrepreneurs and most had to make the transition without a business background or formal education in the field. As the drum business has expanded in size and sophistication over the last few decades, the growing availability of college degrees in Music Business has given music students a higher level of training and a wider range of career options. Internship positions have also improved the talent pool by bridging the gap between classroom training and on-the-job training in real-world situations with experienced mentors and advisors.
“During these challenging economic times many companies unfortunately cut back on these kinds of programs,” comments Lapsansky. “Tycoon Percussion views these internship opportunities as a smart and important investment towards creating well-rounded, better-trained business people for the percussion industry. From an intern’s perspective, I can say that the position provided an experience that definitely helped me develop my skills and refine my goals.”
Tycoon Percussion is currently accepting applications for its 2010 intern positions. The program is open to upper-level undergrads and post-graduate students. Interested applicants are invited to send their resumés along with a letter listing their background, qualifications and career goals to internship@tycoonpercussion.com. Perspective interns will be contacted and interviewed by phone or in person at the PAS International Convention (PASIC) in Indianapolis, Indiana from November 11-14, 2009.
• Rich, dark-brown traditional hand-rubbed finish.
• Genuine, premium-grade calfskin heads that provide superior sound and feel in both studio and live playing situations.
• Brushed chrome Classic Pro™ hoops, die-cast handle and reinforced side plates with large (5/16?) diameter tuning rods.
• Individual basket stands included free of charge (USA only).
Standard equipment on the new Heritage congas includes:
• Triple steel bands to accentuate the traditional appearance of the drums while providing increased structural support.
Tycoon Percussion Launches Internship Program
Following the successful “graduation” of their first-ever intern, Western Illinois University Music Business major Tony Lapsansky, this past summer, Tycoon Percussion has announced plans to continue the program by establishing a series of four-month intern positions beginning in January, 2010. The Tycoon intern program is intended to provide advanced college students with hands-on experience in the business side of the music business— covering the important parts of today’s business world, including sales, marketing, artist relations, research and development, finance, warehouse/inventory management, website management, and more.
“I would not be where I am today if I had not had been given the opportunity to do an internship at P.A.S. (Percussive Arts Society) in 1993,” states David Kelley, current Vice President of Tycoon Percussion who studied, played and taught drums before joining the sales and marketing departments of major companies such as Yamaha, Sabian and Mountain Rhythm. “Working as an intern allowed me to develop a network of contacts and gave me a variety of career choices within the percussion industry.”
Like Kelley, many of today’s leading drum industry executives began their careers as musicians and entrepreneurs and most had to make the transition without a business background or formal education in the field. As the drum business has expanded in size and sophistication over the last few decades, the growing availability of college degrees in Music Business has given music students a higher level of training and a wider range of career options. Internship positions have also improved the talent pool by bridging the gap between classroom training and on-the-job training in real-world situations with experienced mentors and advisors.
“During these challenging economic times many companies unfortunately cut back on these kinds of programs,” comments Lapsansky. “Tycoon Percussion views these internship opportunities as a smart and important investment towards creating well-rounded, better-trained business people for the percussion industry. From an intern’s perspective, I can say that the position provided an experience that definitely helped me develop my skills and refine my goals.”
Tycoon Percussion is currently accepting applications for its 2010 intern positions. The program is open to upper-level undergrads and post-graduate students. Interested applicants are invited to send their resumés along with a letter listing their background, qualifications and career goals to internship@tycoonpercussion.com. Perspective interns will be contacted and interviewed by phone or in person at the PAS International Convention (PASIC) in Indianapolis, Indiana from November 11-14, 2009.
• Rich, dark-brown traditional hand-rubbed finish.
• Genuine, premium-grade calfskin heads that provide superior sound and feel in both studio and live playing situations.
• Brushed chrome Classic Pro™ hoops, die-cast handle and reinforced side plates with large (5/16?) diameter tuning rods.
• Individual basket stands included free of charge (USA only).
Tycoon Percussion Expands Distribution in Europe and Asia
Tycoon Percussion Expands Distribution in Europe and Asia
Tycoon Percussion is proud to announce the addition of Audio Partner and China Supermusic to its portfolio of top distributors worldwide. Audio Partner will represent the leading percussion company in Slovakia and Hungary, while China Supermusic is now Tycoon's partner for Greater China.
Leading up to NAMM 2009, these two territories had been a big focus for the company to improve its distribution efforts, and with these two new partners, the company is confident that the issue has been resolved. "We are very happy to welcome Audio Partner and China Supermusic to the Tycoon family of worldwide distributors" says President Stephen Yu. "We have high hopes for both new partners, and with the right support, we believe that they will be very successful with the Tycoon li
Tycoon Percussion is proud to announce the addition of Audio Partner and China Supermusic to its portfolio of top distributors worldwide. Audio Partner will represent the leading percussion company in Slovakia and Hungary, while China Supermusic is now Tycoon's partner for Greater China.
Leading up to NAMM 2009, these two territories had been a big focus for the company to improve its distribution efforts, and with these two new partners, the company is confident that the issue has been resolved. "We are very happy to welcome Audio Partner and China Supermusic to the Tycoon family of worldwide distributors" says President Stephen Yu. "We have high hopes for both new partners, and with the right support, we believe that they will be very successful with the Tycoon li
Fritz Lab celebrates its 100th birthday
This year, Fritz Laboratory, home to the civil and environmental engineering departments, turns 100 years old.
As part of the centennial celebration, several sessions and events took place between last Thursday and last Saturday to unite students, alumni, faculty and staff by participating in events that may impact the future of Fritz Lab.
The reception that took place on Thursday afternoon was a success, said Stephen Pessiki, chair of the department of civil and environmental engineering. During the reception, alumni had the opportunity to catch up before the following events.
On Friday morning, several speakers from the engineering and history departments spoke to about 120 people about John Fritz's impact on Lehigh. "The speakers on Friday morning did a great job helping us look back 100 years and forward 100 years," Pessiki said.
Friday afternoon participants engaged in a design charette program session. Approximately 50 students and alumni got into groups of about five to seven people and were presented with a set of guidelines that they used to redesign Fritz Lab for the future.
The goal was to best utilize the building and create office space for the department chairs and other people whose offices will remain in Fritz Lab, even after some of the department is moved to the STEPS building. The session lasted for four hours, Pessiki said.
Pessiki said he was very pleased with what he saw happening during the charette program. "I think it's going great," he said. "I'm seeing a lot of hand raising and chin scratching, no blank stares. I'm enthused."
"The design charette program exceeded my expectations," Pessiki said.
Students came up with different ideas and models for how Fritz Lab could look in the future, even 100 years from now. These ideas and drafts were displayed on Saturday evening at dinner for everyone to see and observe the different ideas that groups came up with. About 100 people, including 60 alumni, attended the gala, which was the final event of the three-day celebration.
Sara Horsey, '11, a civil engineer and treasurer of American Society of Civil Engineers, said the civil and environmental engineers have to take classes in buildings all over campus and they want some space for themselves. The civil engineering home is supposed to be in Fritz Lab, but there is no space, she said.
Also the lab doors do not lock, so you can't leave experiments set up overnight, she added. The space in Fritz is not adequate for students, said Horsey.
Carolyn Reid, '11, a civil engineer and participant in the charettes program, agreed.
One aspect of the Fritz Lab "renovation" that Horsey and Reid's group focused on was keeping the natural light that is let into Fritz through the windows that surround the building.
The old part of Fritz Lab was built in 1909 by a Lehigh trustee and benefactor, John Fritz, Pessiki said. Fritz was an accomplished engineer, but he never had any formal engineering education, he said.
The student symposium on Saturday consisted of presentations by groups of students about topics relating to their majors, as well as several groups that focused on topics pertinent to clubs and organizations on campus, including Engineers Without Borders and American Society of Civil Engineers.
The gala dinner included a surprise- a John Fritz impersonator attended the dinner and gave a speech that Fritz gave many years ago, which had been modified to relate more to today's world.
"The celebration was the first step in kicking off keeping the alumni involved," Pessiki said.
Pessiki said the future of Fritz Lab looks promising. "From what I can see here, it looks very bright," he said.
As part of the centennial celebration, several sessions and events took place between last Thursday and last Saturday to unite students, alumni, faculty and staff by participating in events that may impact the future of Fritz Lab.
The reception that took place on Thursday afternoon was a success, said Stephen Pessiki, chair of the department of civil and environmental engineering. During the reception, alumni had the opportunity to catch up before the following events.
On Friday morning, several speakers from the engineering and history departments spoke to about 120 people about John Fritz's impact on Lehigh. "The speakers on Friday morning did a great job helping us look back 100 years and forward 100 years," Pessiki said.
Friday afternoon participants engaged in a design charette program session. Approximately 50 students and alumni got into groups of about five to seven people and were presented with a set of guidelines that they used to redesign Fritz Lab for the future.
The goal was to best utilize the building and create office space for the department chairs and other people whose offices will remain in Fritz Lab, even after some of the department is moved to the STEPS building. The session lasted for four hours, Pessiki said.
Pessiki said he was very pleased with what he saw happening during the charette program. "I think it's going great," he said. "I'm seeing a lot of hand raising and chin scratching, no blank stares. I'm enthused."
"The design charette program exceeded my expectations," Pessiki said.
Students came up with different ideas and models for how Fritz Lab could look in the future, even 100 years from now. These ideas and drafts were displayed on Saturday evening at dinner for everyone to see and observe the different ideas that groups came up with. About 100 people, including 60 alumni, attended the gala, which was the final event of the three-day celebration.
Sara Horsey, '11, a civil engineer and treasurer of American Society of Civil Engineers, said the civil and environmental engineers have to take classes in buildings all over campus and they want some space for themselves. The civil engineering home is supposed to be in Fritz Lab, but there is no space, she said.
Also the lab doors do not lock, so you can't leave experiments set up overnight, she added. The space in Fritz is not adequate for students, said Horsey.
Carolyn Reid, '11, a civil engineer and participant in the charettes program, agreed.
One aspect of the Fritz Lab "renovation" that Horsey and Reid's group focused on was keeping the natural light that is let into Fritz through the windows that surround the building.
The old part of Fritz Lab was built in 1909 by a Lehigh trustee and benefactor, John Fritz, Pessiki said. Fritz was an accomplished engineer, but he never had any formal engineering education, he said.
The student symposium on Saturday consisted of presentations by groups of students about topics relating to their majors, as well as several groups that focused on topics pertinent to clubs and organizations on campus, including Engineers Without Borders and American Society of Civil Engineers.
The gala dinner included a surprise- a John Fritz impersonator attended the dinner and gave a speech that Fritz gave many years ago, which had been modified to relate more to today's world.
"The celebration was the first step in kicking off keeping the alumni involved," Pessiki said.
Pessiki said the future of Fritz Lab looks promising. "From what I can see here, it looks very bright," he said.
World’s tallest hotel with 118 floors to open in Hong Kong
Hong Kong, Oct 28 (DPA) Luxury hotel chain Ritz-Carlton is to open the world’s tallest hotel in Hong Kong in 2010 with its top floor on the 118th storey, a news report said Wednesday.
The six-star hotel will occupy the top 17 floors of Hong Kong’s tallest building, the 484-metre International Commerce Centre (ICC), the South China Morning Post reported.
The hotel, with 312 guest rooms, will look out over Hong Kong’s Victoria Harbour from Kowloon where the ICC building is being completed.
Currently, the world’s tallest hotels are the 333-metre, 72-floor Rose Hotel in Dubai, followed by the 330-metre, 105-floor Ryogyong Hotel in Pyongyang and the 321-metre Burj Al Arab Hotel in Dubai.
As well as being Hong Kong’s tallest building, the ICC will be the third highest in the world in terms of the height of its roof.
The regional vice-president for Ritz-Carlton, Mark DeCocinis, told the newspaper the new hotel would be “a new social centre for Hong Kong” and said room rates would be at the top end of the market
The six-star hotel will occupy the top 17 floors of Hong Kong’s tallest building, the 484-metre International Commerce Centre (ICC), the South China Morning Post reported.
The hotel, with 312 guest rooms, will look out over Hong Kong’s Victoria Harbour from Kowloon where the ICC building is being completed.
Currently, the world’s tallest hotels are the 333-metre, 72-floor Rose Hotel in Dubai, followed by the 330-metre, 105-floor Ryogyong Hotel in Pyongyang and the 321-metre Burj Al Arab Hotel in Dubai.
As well as being Hong Kong’s tallest building, the ICC will be the third highest in the world in terms of the height of its roof.
The regional vice-president for Ritz-Carlton, Mark DeCocinis, told the newspaper the new hotel would be “a new social centre for Hong Kong” and said room rates would be at the top end of the market
Wills Lifestyle plans 100 new stores, expansion of e-commerce
New Delhi, Oct 28 (IANS) It has completed a decade of operation and, with the market looking up, Wills Lifestyle plans to expand in a big way by opening 100 new stores in the next three years and concentrating on online buyers.
“We wanted to attain this figure long back. But due to bad market conditions, the construction of malls in various cities came to a halt and so did our plans to open stores,” said Atul Chand, chief executive of ITC’s lifestyle retail business division.
“Now the market condition is improving and construction of those malls has started again,” Chand told IANS in an interview.
“Also, we have managed to negotiate with the rent and have brought it down by 30 percent,” he added.
Wills has 50 stores in 30 cities, and Chand said in the next phase the company would focus on tier-two cities and open two stores every month for the next six months in cities such as Nashik, Nagpur and Jaipur.
“The growth rate in these cities is higher compared to any metros because they are already very saturated. In small cities, people are very keen to buy fashionable clothes but don’t know where to get these from,” he said.
“So most of them go to the nearest metropolitan city to buy latest fashion material. Hence we are opening in their own cities so that they don’t have to go anywhere. The whole idea is to target smaller cities and grow globally.”
Chand said the company foresaw a growth rate of 10 percent in the coming quarter. “Sales have definitely improved compared to last year. The way people shopped during this festival season shows optimism in their purchasing power. With this optimistic atmosphere, we are sure to have a growth rate of 10 percent in the coming quarter.”
The brand’s products will also be made available at ITC hotels across the country soon.
Wills Lifestyle is one of the main sponsors of the Fashion Design Council of India’s mega fashion event — Wills Lifestyle India Fashion Week (WIFW) and retails the outfits of the grand finale designers.
“This tie-up has helped our business to grow by 15 percent. People want to wear designer clothes and we are providing these from top-notch designers like Rohit Bal, Ashish and Rana Gill among others at reasonable prices; so they don’t mind spending the amount,” said Chand.
“We wanted to attain this figure long back. But due to bad market conditions, the construction of malls in various cities came to a halt and so did our plans to open stores,” said Atul Chand, chief executive of ITC’s lifestyle retail business division.
“Now the market condition is improving and construction of those malls has started again,” Chand told IANS in an interview.
“Also, we have managed to negotiate with the rent and have brought it down by 30 percent,” he added.
Wills has 50 stores in 30 cities, and Chand said in the next phase the company would focus on tier-two cities and open two stores every month for the next six months in cities such as Nashik, Nagpur and Jaipur.
“The growth rate in these cities is higher compared to any metros because they are already very saturated. In small cities, people are very keen to buy fashionable clothes but don’t know where to get these from,” he said.
“So most of them go to the nearest metropolitan city to buy latest fashion material. Hence we are opening in their own cities so that they don’t have to go anywhere. The whole idea is to target smaller cities and grow globally.”
Chand said the company foresaw a growth rate of 10 percent in the coming quarter. “Sales have definitely improved compared to last year. The way people shopped during this festival season shows optimism in their purchasing power. With this optimistic atmosphere, we are sure to have a growth rate of 10 percent in the coming quarter.”
The brand’s products will also be made available at ITC hotels across the country soon.
Wills Lifestyle is one of the main sponsors of the Fashion Design Council of India’s mega fashion event — Wills Lifestyle India Fashion Week (WIFW) and retails the outfits of the grand finale designers.
“This tie-up has helped our business to grow by 15 percent. People want to wear designer clothes and we are providing these from top-notch designers like Rohit Bal, Ashish and Rana Gill among others at reasonable prices; so they don’t mind spending the amount,” said Chand.
Surya Roshni mulls investment in south India
Chennai, Oct 28 (IANS) Lighting products and steel pipes manufacturer Surya Roshni Ltd is planning to set up a manufacturing unit in southern India, a top official said.
“We have good market share in southern India. In order to cut down our freight costs and expand our presence, we plan to set up a lighting and steel pipe plant in the region,” Jaiprakash Agarwal, chairman and managing director of Surya Roshni, told reporters here Wednesday.
Declining to specify the investment details, Agarwal said the company was looking for land somewhere between Tamil Nadu and Karnataka so that it could serve the two markets.
“The actual investment will be announced next fiscal after we complete our current expansion plans,” he added.
Surya Global, a 51 percent subsidiary of the Rs.1,750-crore Surya Roshni, has set up a steel pipe plant in Gujarat which is expected to be inaugurated next month by Chief Minister Narendra Modi.
Asked about Surya Roshni’s plans of manufacturing LED bulbs at its plants in Uttarakhand and Gujarat, Agarwal said: “The market is small to warrant any major investment. All players are currently importing LED bulbs.”
According R. Viswanath, assistant general manager of the company, the overall LED segment size in the country would be around Rs.100 crore.
Earlier, Agarwal launched the company’s energy saving T-5 and the T-8 tube lights.
“We are the first in the country to manufacture T-5 lamps. The lamp’s life is 15 years at a price point of Rs.35,” he claimed
“We have good market share in southern India. In order to cut down our freight costs and expand our presence, we plan to set up a lighting and steel pipe plant in the region,” Jaiprakash Agarwal, chairman and managing director of Surya Roshni, told reporters here Wednesday.
Declining to specify the investment details, Agarwal said the company was looking for land somewhere between Tamil Nadu and Karnataka so that it could serve the two markets.
“The actual investment will be announced next fiscal after we complete our current expansion plans,” he added.
Surya Global, a 51 percent subsidiary of the Rs.1,750-crore Surya Roshni, has set up a steel pipe plant in Gujarat which is expected to be inaugurated next month by Chief Minister Narendra Modi.
Asked about Surya Roshni’s plans of manufacturing LED bulbs at its plants in Uttarakhand and Gujarat, Agarwal said: “The market is small to warrant any major investment. All players are currently importing LED bulbs.”
According R. Viswanath, assistant general manager of the company, the overall LED segment size in the country would be around Rs.100 crore.
Earlier, Agarwal launched the company’s energy saving T-5 and the T-8 tube lights.
“We are the first in the country to manufacture T-5 lamps. The lamp’s life is 15 years at a price point of Rs.35,” he claimed
Obama appoints former Indian TV news anchor to key post
Washington, Oct 30 (IANS) US President Barack Obama has appointed Suresh Kumar, an Indian-American with expertise in public-private partnership who worked as a news anchor in India for 15 years, to a key administration post in the commerce department.
Kumar, currently president and managing partner of KaiZen Innovation, was nominated assistant secretary of commerce and director general of the United States and Foreign Commercial Service in the US Department of Commerce, the White House announced Thursday.
“I am grateful that these individuals will bring their energy and expertise to my administration and look forward to working with them in the months and years ahead,” Obama said about Kumar and another new appointee.
According to the White House, Kumar served as special advisor to the Clinton Foundation where he worked with governments in Sub-Saharan Africa and corporate CEOs to establish private-public partnerships to stimulate economic development in the region.
Kumar previously served on the Group Operating Committee at Johnson & Johnson and as vice president of Consumer Products for Latin America at Warner Lambert/Pfizer.
He has published on global management and served as adjunct faculty member at the Schulich School of Business at Toronto’s York University, Bombay University and has been appointed Professor of International Business at Rutgers University EMBA program.
Between 1970 and 1985, Kumar was a news anchor on national television in India. He has an economics degree from Delhi University, an MBA from Bombay University, and is alumni of the Thunderbird International Consortium Program
Kumar, currently president and managing partner of KaiZen Innovation, was nominated assistant secretary of commerce and director general of the United States and Foreign Commercial Service in the US Department of Commerce, the White House announced Thursday.
“I am grateful that these individuals will bring their energy and expertise to my administration and look forward to working with them in the months and years ahead,” Obama said about Kumar and another new appointee.
According to the White House, Kumar served as special advisor to the Clinton Foundation where he worked with governments in Sub-Saharan Africa and corporate CEOs to establish private-public partnerships to stimulate economic development in the region.
Kumar previously served on the Group Operating Committee at Johnson & Johnson and as vice president of Consumer Products for Latin America at Warner Lambert/Pfizer.
He has published on global management and served as adjunct faculty member at the Schulich School of Business at Toronto’s York University, Bombay University and has been appointed Professor of International Business at Rutgers University EMBA program.
Between 1970 and 1985, Kumar was a news anchor on national television in India. He has an economics degree from Delhi University, an MBA from Bombay University, and is alumni of the Thunderbird International Consortium Program
Unemployment falls in Japan
Tokyo, Oct 30 (DPA) Japan’s unemployment rate fell to 5.3 percent in September from 5.5 percent in August, the government said Friday.
It was the second month in a row that unemployment had decreased.
The fall took place against a background of rising production driven by increasing exports.
There were 43 job openings for every 100 unemployed people, one more than in each of the previous two months
It was the second month in a row that unemployment had decreased.
The fall took place against a background of rising production driven by increasing exports.
There were 43 job openings for every 100 unemployed people, one more than in each of the previous two months
Bharti Airtel net up 43 percent
Mumbai, Oct 30 (IANS) Telecom major Bharti Airtel Friday posted a 43.1 percent increase in net profit to Rs.2,297 crore (Rs.22 billion) for the quarter ended Sep 30, 2009, as against Rs.1,605 crore in the same period last fiscal.
The total income increased 7.5 percent to Rs.8,927 crore in the period under review from Rs.8,303 a year ago, the company said in a regulatory statement.
The group’s consolidated results according to Indian Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (IGAAP) showed 35 percent increase in net profit.
Consolidated net profit was at Rs.2,254 crore for the quarter ended Sep 30, 2009, as compared to Rs.1,668 crore in the like quarter of last fiscal.
The total income increased 16 percent to Rs.10,393 crore from Rs.8,952 crore.
The Airtel scrip was down 1.84 percent at Rs.306.30 from its previous close at Rs.312.05. The scrip fell 26.82 percent over the past month at the Bombay Stock Exchange.
The total income increased 7.5 percent to Rs.8,927 crore in the period under review from Rs.8,303 a year ago, the company said in a regulatory statement.
The group’s consolidated results according to Indian Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (IGAAP) showed 35 percent increase in net profit.
Consolidated net profit was at Rs.2,254 crore for the quarter ended Sep 30, 2009, as compared to Rs.1,668 crore in the like quarter of last fiscal.
The total income increased 16 percent to Rs.10,393 crore from Rs.8,952 crore.
The Airtel scrip was down 1.84 percent at Rs.306.30 from its previous close at Rs.312.05. The scrip fell 26.82 percent over the past month at the Bombay Stock Exchange.
India’s upturn now hinges on rich economies: Pranab Mukherjee
New Delhi, Oct 30 (IANS) Even though India braved the global financial crisis better than other countries, a meaningful recovery depends on how quickly some key economies turn the corner, Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee said Friday.
“By merely generating demand in the domestic economy and exploring markets for exports, it is not possible to have a sustainable recovery,” Mukherjee told the annual Hindustan Times Leadership summit at the Taj Palace Hotel here.
“Developed economies of Europe, Japan and US account for 62 percent of our exports. Another of our key export sectors is information technology. But it has also been hit, because outsourcing has been reduced badly,” he said.
“Recovery is halting, slow - whether it will be steady I cannot say right now. I still have to wait for the figures to come,” said the finance minister, adding: “Third quarter and four quarter - I am confident. We will reach the targets.”
Mukherjee, one of the senior-most cabinet ministers in Prime Minister Manmohan Singh government, said the road ahead for the Indian economy was long, arduous with many hindrances. “We have to go a long way. The journey won’t be easy.”
The finance minister said there were several forecasts on India’s gross domestic product (GDP) growth, including those by the Prime Minister’s Economic Advisory Council and the Reserve Bank of India - which were also working on some studies.
He said he was hoping for a growth of between 6-6.5 percent during the current fiscal. At the same time, he said, pressures on the price line were still to abate and estimated the annual inflation rate at 6-6.5 percent by the year-end.
The finance minister said he was also trying to garner political support for a host of economic legislations - such as a new companies act, labour reforms and opening up of the pension and insurance sectors.
“By merely generating demand in the domestic economy and exploring markets for exports, it is not possible to have a sustainable recovery,” Mukherjee told the annual Hindustan Times Leadership summit at the Taj Palace Hotel here.
“Developed economies of Europe, Japan and US account for 62 percent of our exports. Another of our key export sectors is information technology. But it has also been hit, because outsourcing has been reduced badly,” he said.
“Recovery is halting, slow - whether it will be steady I cannot say right now. I still have to wait for the figures to come,” said the finance minister, adding: “Third quarter and four quarter - I am confident. We will reach the targets.”
Mukherjee, one of the senior-most cabinet ministers in Prime Minister Manmohan Singh government, said the road ahead for the Indian economy was long, arduous with many hindrances. “We have to go a long way. The journey won’t be easy.”
The finance minister said there were several forecasts on India’s gross domestic product (GDP) growth, including those by the Prime Minister’s Economic Advisory Council and the Reserve Bank of India - which were also working on some studies.
He said he was hoping for a growth of between 6-6.5 percent during the current fiscal. At the same time, he said, pressures on the price line were still to abate and estimated the annual inflation rate at 6-6.5 percent by the year-end.
The finance minister said he was also trying to garner political support for a host of economic legislations - such as a new companies act, labour reforms and opening up of the pension and insurance sectors.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Achievements
Born: June 4, 1959
Achievement: Chairman of Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group; Chosen as the 'CEO of the Year 2004' in the Platts Global Energy Awards and MTV Youth Icon of the Year' in September 2003
Anil Ambani is one of the foremost entrepreneurs of Independent India. He is the Chairman of Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group. Earlier, before the split in the Reliance Group, Anil Ambani held the post of Vice Chairman and Managing Director in Reliance Industries Limited (RIL).
Born on June 4, 1959, Anil Ambani did his Bachelors in Science from the University of Bombay and Masters in Business Administration The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.
Anil Ambani joined Reliance in 1983 as Co-Chief Executive Officer. He pioneered India Inc's forays into overseas capital markets with international public offerings of global depository receipts, convertibles and bonds. Starting from 1991, he led Reliance in its efforts to raise, around US$2 billion from overseas financial markets. In January 1997, the 100-year Yankee bond issue was launched under his stewardship.
After the split in Reliance Group, Anil Ambani founded Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group. He is the Chairman of all listed Group companies, which include: Reliance Communications, Reliance Capital, Reliance Energy and Reliance Natural Resources Limited.
Anil Ambai was elected as an independent member Rajya Sabha MP in June 2004. But he resigned voluntarily on March 25, 2006.
Anil Ambani has won several awards and honours. Major among these include: 'CEO of the Year 2004' in the Platts Global Energy Awards, 'MTV Youth Icon of the Year' in September 2003, 'The Entrepreneur of the Decade Award' by the Bombay Management Association, and 'Businessman of the Year Award' by leading Business Magazine, Business India in 1997.
Achievement: Chairman of Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group; Chosen as the 'CEO of the Year 2004' in the Platts Global Energy Awards and MTV Youth Icon of the Year' in September 2003
Anil Ambani is one of the foremost entrepreneurs of Independent India. He is the Chairman of Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group. Earlier, before the split in the Reliance Group, Anil Ambani held the post of Vice Chairman and Managing Director in Reliance Industries Limited (RIL).
Born on June 4, 1959, Anil Ambani did his Bachelors in Science from the University of Bombay and Masters in Business Administration The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.
Anil Ambani joined Reliance in 1983 as Co-Chief Executive Officer. He pioneered India Inc's forays into overseas capital markets with international public offerings of global depository receipts, convertibles and bonds. Starting from 1991, he led Reliance in its efforts to raise, around US$2 billion from overseas financial markets. In January 1997, the 100-year Yankee bond issue was launched under his stewardship.
After the split in Reliance Group, Anil Ambani founded Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group. He is the Chairman of all listed Group companies, which include: Reliance Communications, Reliance Capital, Reliance Energy and Reliance Natural Resources Limited.
Anil Ambai was elected as an independent member Rajya Sabha MP in June 2004. But he resigned voluntarily on March 25, 2006.
Anil Ambani has won several awards and honours. Major among these include: 'CEO of the Year 2004' in the Platts Global Energy Awards, 'MTV Youth Icon of the Year' in September 2003, 'The Entrepreneur of the Decade Award' by the Bombay Management Association, and 'Businessman of the Year Award' by leading Business Magazine, Business India in 1997.
Indra Nooyi Achievements
Indra Nooyi Profile
Achievements: CEO of PepsiCo; Ranked No.4 on Forbes magazine's annual survey of the 100 most powerful women in the world.
Indra Nooyi is the newly appointed CEO of PepsiCo-the world's second-largest soft drink maker. She joins the select band of women who head Fortune 500 companies. Presently, there are only 10 Fortune 500 companies that are run by women, and Indra Nooyi is the 11th to break into the top echelons of power. Prior to becoming CEO, Indra Nooyi was President, Chief Financial Officer and a member of the Board of Directors of PepsiCo Inc.
Indra Nooyi spent her childhood in Chennai. Her father worked at the State Bank of Hyderabad and her grandfather was a district judge. She did her BSc. in Chemistry from Madras Christian College and subsequently earned a Master's Degree in Finance and Marketing from IIM Calcutta. Indra Nooyi also holds a Master's Degree in Public and Private management from the Yale School of Management.
Before joining PepsiCo in 1994, Indra Nooyi was Senior Vice President of Strategy and Strategic Marketing for Asea Brown Boveri, and Vice President and Director of Corporate Strategy and Planning at Motorola. She also had stints at Mettur Beardsell and Johnson & Johnson. At PepsiCo, Indra Nooyi played key roles in the Tricon spin-off, the purchase of Tropicana, the public offering of Pepsi Cola bottling group and the merger with Quaker Foods.
Indra Nooyi has been ranked No.4 on Forbes magazine's annual survey of the 100 most powerful women in the world.
Achievements: CEO of PepsiCo; Ranked No.4 on Forbes magazine's annual survey of the 100 most powerful women in the world.
Indra Nooyi is the newly appointed CEO of PepsiCo-the world's second-largest soft drink maker. She joins the select band of women who head Fortune 500 companies. Presently, there are only 10 Fortune 500 companies that are run by women, and Indra Nooyi is the 11th to break into the top echelons of power. Prior to becoming CEO, Indra Nooyi was President, Chief Financial Officer and a member of the Board of Directors of PepsiCo Inc.
Indra Nooyi spent her childhood in Chennai. Her father worked at the State Bank of Hyderabad and her grandfather was a district judge. She did her BSc. in Chemistry from Madras Christian College and subsequently earned a Master's Degree in Finance and Marketing from IIM Calcutta. Indra Nooyi also holds a Master's Degree in Public and Private management from the Yale School of Management.
Before joining PepsiCo in 1994, Indra Nooyi was Senior Vice President of Strategy and Strategic Marketing for Asea Brown Boveri, and Vice President and Director of Corporate Strategy and Planning at Motorola. She also had stints at Mettur Beardsell and Johnson & Johnson. At PepsiCo, Indra Nooyi played key roles in the Tricon spin-off, the purchase of Tropicana, the public offering of Pepsi Cola bottling group and the merger with Quaker Foods.
Indra Nooyi has been ranked No.4 on Forbes magazine's annual survey of the 100 most powerful women in the world.
Management Profiles
N. R. Narayana Murthy
Chairman of the Board and Chief Mentor, Infosys Technologies
Mr. N. R. Narayana Murthy is the Chairman of the Board and Chief Mentor of Infosys Technologies Limited. He founded Infosys in 1981 along with six other software professionals and served as the CEO of Infosys for 21 years till March 2002. Under his leadership, Infosys was listed on NASDAQ in 1999. He served as the Executive Chairman of the Board and Chief Mentor from 2002 to 2006.
Mr. Murthy articulated, designed and implemented the Global Delivery Model which has become the foundation for the huge success in IT services outsourcing from India. He has led key corporate governance initiatives in India. He is an IT advisor to several Asian countries. Mr. Murthy serves as an independent director on the boards of several global companies including Unilever, NV, Unilever, plc and HSBC Holdings plc. He is the Chairman of the Asia Business Council. He is also a member of the advisory boards and councils of several educational institutions including Wharton, Cornell, INSEAD, Stanford, Tokyo University, SMU - Singapore, IIIT Bangalore and ESSEC, Paris.
Mr. Murthy is the recipient of numerous awards and honors. The Economist ranked him 8th in the list of the 15 most-admired global leaders in 2005. He was ranked 28th among the world's most-respected business leaders by the Financial Times in 2005. In 2004, TIME magazine identified him as one of the 10 global leaders who are helping shape the future of technology. In 2006, TIME magazine voted him as one of the Asian heroes who have brought about revolutionary changes in Asia in the last 60 years. He was featured in BusinessWeek's "The Stars of Asia" for three consecutive years - 1998, 1999 and 2000.
Mr. Murthy was voted the "World Entrepreneur of the Year" by Ernst & Young in 2003. He was voted India's most powerful CEO for three consecutive years - 2004, 2005 and 2006 - by The Economic Times. He was chosen as the "Business Process Innovator" by The Economist in 2007. He received the Ernst Weber Engineering Leadership medal from The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in 2007 for his pioneering role in the globalization of IT services. He was awarded the "Padma Vibhushan", the second highest civilian award by the Government of India in 2008. The Government of France conferred the Officer of the Legion of Honor in 2008.
Mr. Murthy holds an Electrical Engineering degree from the Mysore University and an M.Tech (Electrical) from the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur. He has been conferred honorary doctorate degrees by several well-known universities in India and abroad.
Chairman of the Board and Chief Mentor, Infosys Technologies
Mr. N. R. Narayana Murthy is the Chairman of the Board and Chief Mentor of Infosys Technologies Limited. He founded Infosys in 1981 along with six other software professionals and served as the CEO of Infosys for 21 years till March 2002. Under his leadership, Infosys was listed on NASDAQ in 1999. He served as the Executive Chairman of the Board and Chief Mentor from 2002 to 2006.
Mr. Murthy articulated, designed and implemented the Global Delivery Model which has become the foundation for the huge success in IT services outsourcing from India. He has led key corporate governance initiatives in India. He is an IT advisor to several Asian countries. Mr. Murthy serves as an independent director on the boards of several global companies including Unilever, NV, Unilever, plc and HSBC Holdings plc. He is the Chairman of the Asia Business Council. He is also a member of the advisory boards and councils of several educational institutions including Wharton, Cornell, INSEAD, Stanford, Tokyo University, SMU - Singapore, IIIT Bangalore and ESSEC, Paris.
Mr. Murthy is the recipient of numerous awards and honors. The Economist ranked him 8th in the list of the 15 most-admired global leaders in 2005. He was ranked 28th among the world's most-respected business leaders by the Financial Times in 2005. In 2004, TIME magazine identified him as one of the 10 global leaders who are helping shape the future of technology. In 2006, TIME magazine voted him as one of the Asian heroes who have brought about revolutionary changes in Asia in the last 60 years. He was featured in BusinessWeek's "The Stars of Asia" for three consecutive years - 1998, 1999 and 2000.
Mr. Murthy was voted the "World Entrepreneur of the Year" by Ernst & Young in 2003. He was voted India's most powerful CEO for three consecutive years - 2004, 2005 and 2006 - by The Economic Times. He was chosen as the "Business Process Innovator" by The Economist in 2007. He received the Ernst Weber Engineering Leadership medal from The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in 2007 for his pioneering role in the globalization of IT services. He was awarded the "Padma Vibhushan", the second highest civilian award by the Government of India in 2008. The Government of France conferred the Officer of the Legion of Honor in 2008.
Mr. Murthy holds an Electrical Engineering degree from the Mysore University and an M.Tech (Electrical) from the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur. He has been conferred honorary doctorate degrees by several well-known universities in India and abroad.
Tomas Bata (April 3, 1876 - July 12, 1932) was the founder of Bata Shoe Organization, one of the world's biggest multinational retailer, manufacturer and distributor of footwear and accessories.
Tomas Bata established the organization in Zlín (Czech Republic) on August 24, 1894, with his brother and sister as partners in the firm. Though the orgnaization was newly established, the family had a long history of shoemaking, spanning eight generations and over three hundred years. This heritage helped boost the popularity of his new firm very quickly. With the introduction of factory-style production and long distance retailing, Tomas modernized the shoe-making industry and the company surged ahead in production and profits right from its nascent years.
Eventually, Tomas obtained sole control over the company. World War 1 created a booming demand for military shoes, and the company quickly became one of the prime brands. Tomas also exhibited his business acumen, with his initiatives towards producing low-cost shoes for the general public, whose purchasing power had been significantly reduced in the aftermath of the war. He also set up factories and companies in other countries like Poland, Yugoslavia, Holland, Denmark, the United Kingdom and the USA. These factories were made self-sufficient and autonomous in their design, production and distribution strategies, in a move to focus them towards catering to the local population. By the early 1930s, the Bata enterprise and Czechoslovakia were the world's leading footwear exporters.
Tomas is also widely regarded as a businessman with an acute sense of social consciousness. He is quoted by many as one of the first pioneers of employee welfare and social advancement programs. He is credited with efforts to modernize his hometown providing the people with employment, and housing facilities, making him a very popular citizen in the town. He also became the mayor of Zlín.
Tomas Bata died in a plane crash in 1932. After his demise, his family continued to be at the helm of affairs. Today the company operates in 68 countries.
PGDM 1ST sem.
year 2009-11
Tomas Bata established the organization in Zlín (Czech Republic) on August 24, 1894, with his brother and sister as partners in the firm. Though the orgnaization was newly established, the family had a long history of shoemaking, spanning eight generations and over three hundred years. This heritage helped boost the popularity of his new firm very quickly. With the introduction of factory-style production and long distance retailing, Tomas modernized the shoe-making industry and the company surged ahead in production and profits right from its nascent years.
Eventually, Tomas obtained sole control over the company. World War 1 created a booming demand for military shoes, and the company quickly became one of the prime brands. Tomas also exhibited his business acumen, with his initiatives towards producing low-cost shoes for the general public, whose purchasing power had been significantly reduced in the aftermath of the war. He also set up factories and companies in other countries like Poland, Yugoslavia, Holland, Denmark, the United Kingdom and the USA. These factories were made self-sufficient and autonomous in their design, production and distribution strategies, in a move to focus them towards catering to the local population. By the early 1930s, the Bata enterprise and Czechoslovakia were the world's leading footwear exporters.
Tomas is also widely regarded as a businessman with an acute sense of social consciousness. He is quoted by many as one of the first pioneers of employee welfare and social advancement programs. He is credited with efforts to modernize his hometown providing the people with employment, and housing facilities, making him a very popular citizen in the town. He also became the mayor of Zlín.
Tomas Bata died in a plane crash in 1932. After his demise, his family continued to be at the helm of affairs. Today the company operates in 68 countries.
PGDM 1ST sem.
year 2009-11
Premji assures support for affected staff in France
Azim Premji, chairman of India's third-largest IT services company Wipro, today assured officials of the ministry in France that the 60-odd employees — who were working with the company's wireless IT division in Sophia Antipolis — will receive support even as it plans to exit the wireless intelllectual property (IP) product business.
During his discussion with Christian Estrosi, Ministry of Industry (Paris), Premji reiterated his company's commitment to France as a key growth market for Wipro.
“We reiterate our commitment to France, a key growth market for Wipro. We look forward to growing our presence, serving our customers effectively and creating employment opportunities in the country,” said Premji.
He explained that his company had implemented exemplary social measures to support the employees at the Sophia Antipolis center who were affected due to Wipro’s worldwide exit from the IP Connectivity business. These measures include support to encourage employment and entrepreneurship, as well as financial benefits.
During the discussion, Estrosi reiterated a “strong attachment to the fact that all the employees of Sophia's centre can find again a professional future as quickly as possible, through solutions of employee take over or of company creation carried by employees”.
Talking to mediapersons during the company's quarterly results announcement this week, Wipro officials had stated that the company had come to an amicable settlement with the affected employees in France.
As a part of this, Wipro had offered the intellectual property developed at the centre, to the affected employees at Sophia Antipolis centre free of charge. Besides, the company had offered its office space and equipment free for charge to those employees free of charge, for a period of one year.
For the last three years, Wipro has implemented its development plan for its IT services in the French market. Christophe Martinoli, head of France, Wipro Technologies said, the company intended to double its staff base and revenues in France in the next 18 months to serve its in France better.
Sandeep kumar sah
PGDM 1st sem
During his discussion with Christian Estrosi, Ministry of Industry (Paris), Premji reiterated his company's commitment to France as a key growth market for Wipro.
“We reiterate our commitment to France, a key growth market for Wipro. We look forward to growing our presence, serving our customers effectively and creating employment opportunities in the country,” said Premji.
He explained that his company had implemented exemplary social measures to support the employees at the Sophia Antipolis center who were affected due to Wipro’s worldwide exit from the IP Connectivity business. These measures include support to encourage employment and entrepreneurship, as well as financial benefits.
During the discussion, Estrosi reiterated a “strong attachment to the fact that all the employees of Sophia's centre can find again a professional future as quickly as possible, through solutions of employee take over or of company creation carried by employees”.
Talking to mediapersons during the company's quarterly results announcement this week, Wipro officials had stated that the company had come to an amicable settlement with the affected employees in France.
As a part of this, Wipro had offered the intellectual property developed at the centre, to the affected employees at Sophia Antipolis centre free of charge. Besides, the company had offered its office space and equipment free for charge to those employees free of charge, for a period of one year.
For the last three years, Wipro has implemented its development plan for its IT services in the French market. Christophe Martinoli, head of France, Wipro Technologies said, the company intended to double its staff base and revenues in France in the next 18 months to serve its in France better.
Sandeep kumar sah
PGDM 1st sem
LiL' Joe CEO was born and still lives in Brooklyn, New York..... Brought up by Italian immigrants AND the Bensonhurst streets; Bensonhurst, Brooklyn is a very controversial area; Home to many old school mobsters and gangland activities; Joe has a very high IQ and was going to school to become a Pharmacist, but he loved the fast life; "Since I was making money and loved the rush I went the other route, and yes, I have been stabbed, shot at, and in more fights then professional boxers. So I appreciate life and what it has to offer"...(LiL'Joe CEO). He always loved music; As a kid, he used to break dance and write graffiti; Hip-Hop and that culture was always a big part of Joe's life. He put out his first album: LiL'Joe CEO "The Sicilian" Official MixTape part 1 on December 1st, 2006 and he is currently in the studio working on his future albums... Joe is acting, producing, writing soundtracks and filming a reality show about his life and his Tattoo shop. (Kings County Tattoo Co. Brooklyn, NY.)
Is of Italian ethnicity and Fluently speaks Italian and English.
His favorite teams are the NY Mets, NY Islanders, LA Lakers, and he is a big Pittsburgh Steelers and Italian Soccer fan.
Owns a '69 Lincoln Continental with suicide doors, a '76 corvette, a Suzuki GSXR-750, a '76 Harley Davidson Iron Head, a '92 Harley Davidson Sportster.
Has a personal music studio in his apartment along with his pure breed Blue American PitBull named Escobar The Boss.
Collects sneakers/shoes, watches, sunglasses and loves all high-tech electronics.
One of his friends is Vida Guerra and he has her tattooed (as a nude sexy angel) on his left thigh. He was in September 2003 Issue of FHM magazine with Vida Guerra showing the tattoo of her.
Has a tattoo in his lip that says "SandMan", one in his left palm of a "Dollar Sign", one in his right palm of a "Microphone", the "BMW" and "Bentley" logos on his right foot, and the "Harley Davidson" and "Suzuki" logos on his left foot.
Owner and CEO of his record label "76 Syndicate Records/Platinum Protecion Inc." and his Tattoo shop "Kings County Tattoo Co., inc" in Brooklyn New York.
Biggie Smalls (the Notorious B.I.G.)is his favorite Rapper of all time. He is a big Elvis Presley and Johnny Cash fan.
Currently living in Brooklyn, New York [2008].
gaurav jain
pgdm Isem
Is of Italian ethnicity and Fluently speaks Italian and English.
His favorite teams are the NY Mets, NY Islanders, LA Lakers, and he is a big Pittsburgh Steelers and Italian Soccer fan.
Owns a '69 Lincoln Continental with suicide doors, a '76 corvette, a Suzuki GSXR-750, a '76 Harley Davidson Iron Head, a '92 Harley Davidson Sportster.
Has a personal music studio in his apartment along with his pure breed Blue American PitBull named Escobar The Boss.
Collects sneakers/shoes, watches, sunglasses and loves all high-tech electronics.
One of his friends is Vida Guerra and he has her tattooed (as a nude sexy angel) on his left thigh. He was in September 2003 Issue of FHM magazine with Vida Guerra showing the tattoo of her.
Has a tattoo in his lip that says "SandMan", one in his left palm of a "Dollar Sign", one in his right palm of a "Microphone", the "BMW" and "Bentley" logos on his right foot, and the "Harley Davidson" and "Suzuki" logos on his left foot.
Owner and CEO of his record label "76 Syndicate Records/Platinum Protecion Inc." and his Tattoo shop "Kings County Tattoo Co., inc" in Brooklyn New York.
Biggie Smalls (the Notorious B.I.G.)is his favorite Rapper of all time. He is a big Elvis Presley and Johnny Cash fan.
Currently living in Brooklyn, New York [2008].
gaurav jain
pgdm Isem
Indian tycoon bid to settle family feud rebuffed
NEW DELHI — Indian tycoon Anil Ambani has extended an olive branch to his brother to settle an ugly feud stemming from a family pact splitting their corporate empire but his overture has been rebuffed.
After firing nearly daily volleys at his older brother Mukesh Ambani, Anil invoked "divine blessings" ahead of Diwali, the Festival of Lights and a key event on the Hindu calendar, and announced he wanted a reconciliation.
In a statement he said was made with a "generous heart", Anil, 50, declared at the weekend, following a religious pilgrimage, that a settlement would be a present for their ageing mother.
But Mukesh, 52, said he found it hard to believe that his brother had undergone a "real change of heart" and sincerely wanted an end to the mud-slinging corporate soap opera that has riveted the nation.
Analysts on Monday dismissed the peace overture as a public relations gimmick even as shares of firms controlled by the billionaire siblings rose on hopes they would make up.
Anil's offer came just over a week before India's Supreme Court is to hear the brothers' dispute which centres on a natural gas contract involving output from India's most important gas field, the Krishna-Godavari basin.
Mukesh said in a statement issued through his company, Reliance Industries Ltd, that he welcomed the change from what he called the "negative" campaign Anil had waged.
But the dispute "can now only be decisively resolved by a decision of the highest court," he said.
The issue "transcends any private differences between two brothers", Mukesh said.
The Supreme Court is to open hearings in the case October 20.
The seeds of the feud lie in a deal between the brothers slicing up the Reliance telecoms-to-energy empire built by their rags-to-riches father Dhirubhai Ambani, who died in 2002 leaving no will.
In the 2005 family pact, Mukesh agreed to sell 28 million cubic metres of gas per day to his brother's energy company at a price of 2.34 dollars per million British thermal unit (mBtu) for 17 years.
PGDM 1st sem
After firing nearly daily volleys at his older brother Mukesh Ambani, Anil invoked "divine blessings" ahead of Diwali, the Festival of Lights and a key event on the Hindu calendar, and announced he wanted a reconciliation.
In a statement he said was made with a "generous heart", Anil, 50, declared at the weekend, following a religious pilgrimage, that a settlement would be a present for their ageing mother.
But Mukesh, 52, said he found it hard to believe that his brother had undergone a "real change of heart" and sincerely wanted an end to the mud-slinging corporate soap opera that has riveted the nation.
Analysts on Monday dismissed the peace overture as a public relations gimmick even as shares of firms controlled by the billionaire siblings rose on hopes they would make up.
Anil's offer came just over a week before India's Supreme Court is to hear the brothers' dispute which centres on a natural gas contract involving output from India's most important gas field, the Krishna-Godavari basin.
Mukesh said in a statement issued through his company, Reliance Industries Ltd, that he welcomed the change from what he called the "negative" campaign Anil had waged.
But the dispute "can now only be decisively resolved by a decision of the highest court," he said.
The issue "transcends any private differences between two brothers", Mukesh said.
The Supreme Court is to open hearings in the case October 20.
The seeds of the feud lie in a deal between the brothers slicing up the Reliance telecoms-to-energy empire built by their rags-to-riches father Dhirubhai Ambani, who died in 2002 leaving no will.
In the 2005 family pact, Mukesh agreed to sell 28 million cubic metres of gas per day to his brother's energy company at a price of 2.34 dollars per million British thermal unit (mBtu) for 17 years.
PGDM 1st sem
Network Marketing ,Business Consultant
Importance of Teamwork in the Workplace
Let us discuss the benefits of teamwork in the workplace. The benefits of teamwork prove that teamwork is important in the workplace.
Fast Learning
You tend to learn things at a faster rate, if you are working with a team. The experiences and the knowledge of the older team members help you to grasp new concepts quickly. At the same time it proves to be an additional bonus for you as you avoid mistakes at work.
Workload Distribution
Working in a team has an advantage of the workload getting distributed amongst all the team members. With work properly distributed, you can concentrate on a single activity till the time you gain expertise in it and you do not feel stressed out due to work.
Building Bonds
Continuous interaction with the team members, working with them for the whole day, having your meals with them, sharing joys and sorrows helps in building a bond of friendship and unity between each other. Some of them turn to be friends for a life time.
Healthy Competition
Just think of a situation where people are competing with each other and trying to excel better than the other. At the same time they are helping and assisting each other in work related as well as personal difficulties and problems. Wouldn't that be a great sight! Well this is possible when you work as a team, as everyone is emotionally bonded to each other.
Exploring Creativity
While working in a team you will never be alone, you will always have some or the other person to suggest you good things. Suggestions and advice can help you in generating new ideas and bring out the creativity in you.
Job Satisfaction
Teamwork is one of the most important reasons for employee job satisfaction. This is because working in a team improves employee performance as well as makes the work enjoyable for them. This is also conducive to employee motivation.
Increased Speed of Work
With many people handling a single project and doing the assigned work properly, the overall work speed increases and your team can complete the project well within the given time frame.
The above mentioned benefits of teamwork were team specific. But teamwork is even beneficial at the organizational level. Effective teamwork in the workplace benefits the organization by increasing the individual productivity which is important in order to achieve the targets and fulfill commitments. Also, teamwork decreases the non productive hours, which therefore increases productivity and ensures maximum utilization of manpower. This is the reason why companies are promoting teamwork in the workplace.
You have just seen teamwork in the workplace can benefit you as an individual, as a team as well as an organization. For some people it might be a bit difficult to adjust to a group environment, but I am sure, they will gradually start loving to work as a team. As they will see themselves developing as employees as well as human beings!
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Reader's comments(3)
1:yes it shuld be...
Posted by: Manorama Devi - 24th Oct 2009
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2:All teams are groups of individuals but not all groups of individuals necessarily demonstrate the cohesiveness of a team. Teams outperform individuals because teams generate a special energy. This energy develops as team members work together fusing their personal energies and talents to deliver tangible performance results.
Thank's for the Info & keep posting such Informative Blogs.
Let us discuss the benefits of teamwork in the workplace. The benefits of teamwork prove that teamwork is important in the workplace.
Fast Learning
You tend to learn things at a faster rate, if you are working with a team. The experiences and the knowledge of the older team members help you to grasp new concepts quickly. At the same time it proves to be an additional bonus for you as you avoid mistakes at work.
Workload Distribution
Working in a team has an advantage of the workload getting distributed amongst all the team members. With work properly distributed, you can concentrate on a single activity till the time you gain expertise in it and you do not feel stressed out due to work.
Building Bonds
Continuous interaction with the team members, working with them for the whole day, having your meals with them, sharing joys and sorrows helps in building a bond of friendship and unity between each other. Some of them turn to be friends for a life time.
Healthy Competition
Just think of a situation where people are competing with each other and trying to excel better than the other. At the same time they are helping and assisting each other in work related as well as personal difficulties and problems. Wouldn't that be a great sight! Well this is possible when you work as a team, as everyone is emotionally bonded to each other.
Exploring Creativity
While working in a team you will never be alone, you will always have some or the other person to suggest you good things. Suggestions and advice can help you in generating new ideas and bring out the creativity in you.
Job Satisfaction
Teamwork is one of the most important reasons for employee job satisfaction. This is because working in a team improves employee performance as well as makes the work enjoyable for them. This is also conducive to employee motivation.
Increased Speed of Work
With many people handling a single project and doing the assigned work properly, the overall work speed increases and your team can complete the project well within the given time frame.
The above mentioned benefits of teamwork were team specific. But teamwork is even beneficial at the organizational level. Effective teamwork in the workplace benefits the organization by increasing the individual productivity which is important in order to achieve the targets and fulfill commitments. Also, teamwork decreases the non productive hours, which therefore increases productivity and ensures maximum utilization of manpower. This is the reason why companies are promoting teamwork in the workplace.
You have just seen teamwork in the workplace can benefit you as an individual, as a team as well as an organization. For some people it might be a bit difficult to adjust to a group environment, but I am sure, they will gradually start loving to work as a team. As they will see themselves developing as employees as well as human beings!
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Reader's comments(3)
1:yes it shuld be...
Posted by: Manorama Devi - 24th Oct 2009
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2:All teams are groups of individuals but not all groups of individuals necessarily demonstrate the cohesiveness of a team. Teams outperform individuals because teams generate a special energy. This energy develops as team members work together fusing their personal energies and talents to deliver tangible performance results.
Thank's for the Info & keep posting such Informative Blogs.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
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Emerson upgrades datacenter monitoring software
By siliconindia news bureau
Thursday,29 October 2009, 11:21 hrs PrintForward
Bangalore: Datacenter power and cooling infrastructure vendor, Emerson has updated its monitoring software to include support for its two recently launched power distribution units. The application's new version also features a new management dashboard and enhanced trending and reporting capabilities, reports Datacenter Dynamics.
With the new Liebert Nform dashboard the company aims to enable operators to create a comprehensive view of their facilities' infrastructure equipment so they can respond to system changes more quickly, according to an Emerson statement. The dashboard compiles data into graphs and charts, as well as providing real-time status of each piece of equipment monitored.
"A small problem in a datacenter can quickly escalate into a disaster," said Anand Ekbote, VP of the Liebert monitoring division at Emerson. "Knowing what is happening with power and cooling equipment can keep critical infrastructure systems at peak operating efficiency, which is vital to system reliability."
New rack power distribution units the updated application supports are Liebert MPX and Liebert MPH. Emerson launched the PDU's in early September.
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Emerson upgrades datacenter monitoring software
By siliconindia news bureau
Thursday,29 October 2009, 11:21 hrs PrintForward
Bangalore: Datacenter power and cooling infrastructure vendor, Emerson has updated its monitoring software to include support for its two recently launched power distribution units. The application's new version also features a new management dashboard and enhanced trending and reporting capabilities, reports Datacenter Dynamics.
With the new Liebert Nform dashboard the company aims to enable operators to create a comprehensive view of their facilities' infrastructure equipment so they can respond to system changes more quickly, according to an Emerson statement. The dashboard compiles data into graphs and charts, as well as providing real-time status of each piece of equipment monitored.
"A small problem in a datacenter can quickly escalate into a disaster," said Anand Ekbote, VP of the Liebert monitoring division at Emerson. "Knowing what is happening with power and cooling equipment can keep critical infrastructure systems at peak operating efficiency, which is vital to system reliability."
New rack power distribution units the updated application supports are Liebert MPX and Liebert MPH. Emerson launched the PDU's in early September.
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jaypee group
The founder of Jaypee Group is Jaiprakash Gaur, who started as a civil contractor in 1958. In 1979, Jaiprakash Associates Private Ltd (JAPL) was formed. In 1980, Jaypee Group entered into Hospitality sector and set up Hotels Siddharth and Vasant Continental. In 1983, Jaypee Rewa Cement Plant (JRCL) was established with an initial capacity of 1 million tones. In 1986, Jaiprakash Industries Limited (JIL) was formed by amalgamating JAPL into JRCL. In 1992, Jaiprakash Hydro Power Ltd (JHPL) and Jaiprakash Power Venture Ltd. (JPVL) were formed. In 1996, Jaypee Bela Cement Plant (JBCP) was established with an initial capacity of 1.9 million tones. In 2000, JRCL and JBCP were merged to form Jaypee Cement Ltd. (JCL). In 2003, Jaiprakash Associates Ltd. (JAL) was formed by merging JIL with JCL. In 2005, shares of JHPL were listed on BSE/NSE and JHPL became the first Hydropower company to be publicly held and listed in India.
sanjay prasad
pgdm-3rd sem
sanjay prasad
pgdm-3rd sem
shiv nadar the indian entrepreneur
Shiv Nadar is the founder of HCL. He founded HCL in 1976 in a Delhi "barsaati". In 1978, HCL developed the first indigenous micro-computer at the same time as Apple and 3 years before IBM's PC. In 1980, HCL introduced bit sliced, 16-bit processor based micro-computer. In 1983, HCL Indigenously developed an RDBMS, a Networking OS and a Client Server architecture, at the same time as global IT peers. In 1986, HCL became the largest IT company in India. In 1988, HCL introduced fine grained multi-processor Unix-3 years ahead of "Sun" and "HP". In 1991, HCL entered into a joint venture Hewlett Packard and HCL-Hewlett Packard Ltd. was formed. The joint developed multi-processor Unix for HP and heralded HCL's entry into contract R&D. In 1997, HCL Infosystems was formed. In the same year HCL ventured into software services. In 1999, HCL Technologies Ltd issued an IPO and became a public listed company.
sanjay prasad
pgdm-3rd sem
sanjay prasad
pgdm-3rd sem
Sony Ericsson launches three smart phones
New Delhi, Oct 28 (IANS) Mobile phone maker Sony Ericsson Wednesday launched three new smartphones in the Indian market, priced between Rs.16,950 and Rs.35,950.
The phones, “Satio”, “Aino” and “Yari”, will set the trend for the new age smart phones, said Anil Sethi, president of Sony Ericsson Mobile India.
He said the company would focus on the smartphone category for the next two-three years to boost sales.
“Once the 3G spectrum allocation happens, we can roll out more features with better network,” Sethi said.
Built on Sony Ericsson’s strengths in music, imaging, gaming, applications and content services, the new phones bring alive entertainment on the go for consumers, the company said.
The Satio, priced at Rs.35,950, comes with a 3.5-inch screen and offers a 16:9 widescreen format with 12.1 megapixel camera.
The Aino offers services to access content stored on a PlayStation 3 from anywhere in the world through a Wi-Fi connection.
It also gives remote play access to videos, television shows and photos. The mobile has an eight megapixel camera and is priced at Rs.28,950.
Yari debuts Gesture gaming that enables users to make the moves in front of the screen and play games without even touching the phone. The Phone comes with a five megapixel camera and is priced at Rs.16,950.
The phones, “Satio”, “Aino” and “Yari”, will set the trend for the new age smart phones, said Anil Sethi, president of Sony Ericsson Mobile India.
He said the company would focus on the smartphone category for the next two-three years to boost sales.
“Once the 3G spectrum allocation happens, we can roll out more features with better network,” Sethi said.
Built on Sony Ericsson’s strengths in music, imaging, gaming, applications and content services, the new phones bring alive entertainment on the go for consumers, the company said.
The Satio, priced at Rs.35,950, comes with a 3.5-inch screen and offers a 16:9 widescreen format with 12.1 megapixel camera.
The Aino offers services to access content stored on a PlayStation 3 from anywhere in the world through a Wi-Fi connection.
It also gives remote play access to videos, television shows and photos. The mobile has an eight megapixel camera and is priced at Rs.28,950.
Yari debuts Gesture gaming that enables users to make the moves in front of the screen and play games without even touching the phone. The Phone comes with a five megapixel camera and is priced at Rs.16,950.
GAIL profit down 30 percent
New Delhi, Oct 28 (IANS) State-run gas utility GAIL India has posted a 30 percent fall in net profit for the quarter ended Sep 30 at Rs.713 crore as compared to Rs.1,023 crore reported in the like period last year.
The company’s half-yearly net profit also dropped by 29.1 percent to Rs.13,690 crore this fiscal from Rs.19,200 crore in 2008-09.
GAIL board, which approved the results, also decided to raise Rs.500 crore through a bond issue in early December.
“Our board has approved raising of funds from the market and we will issue bonds for Rs.500 crore with greenshoe option of 50 percent,” said GAIL chairman B.C. Tripathi.
The total income for the second quarter increased marginally from Rs.6,350 crore to Rs.6,370 crore — a rise of 0.3 percent.
The company has had to share Rs.4,580 crore for the second quarter with the government as part of distribution of under-recoveries across state-run oil and gas undertakings. Last year, it had given Rs.4,000 crore during the corresponding period.
GAIL has so far “shared” Rs.5,330 crore with the government this year
The company’s half-yearly net profit also dropped by 29.1 percent to Rs.13,690 crore this fiscal from Rs.19,200 crore in 2008-09.
GAIL board, which approved the results, also decided to raise Rs.500 crore through a bond issue in early December.
“Our board has approved raising of funds from the market and we will issue bonds for Rs.500 crore with greenshoe option of 50 percent,” said GAIL chairman B.C. Tripathi.
The total income for the second quarter increased marginally from Rs.6,350 crore to Rs.6,370 crore — a rise of 0.3 percent.
The company has had to share Rs.4,580 crore for the second quarter with the government as part of distribution of under-recoveries across state-run oil and gas undertakings. Last year, it had given Rs.4,000 crore during the corresponding period.
GAIL has so far “shared” Rs.5,330 crore with the government this year
Usha Martin net falls to Rs.14.65 crore
Kolkata, Oct 28 (IANS) Speciality steel and wire rope manufacturer Usha Martin posted a net profit of Rs.14.65 crore in the second quarter this financial year, down from the Rs.41.85 crore it earned in the corresponding period last fiscal.
“The slow and uncertain process of global economic recovery and volatility in raw material prices continue to affect product volumes and margins,” said company managing director Rajeev Jhawar here Wednesday.
“Standalone sales realisations were down 26 percent,” Jhawar told reporters.
The company’s operating profit margin dropped to 17 percent compared to 22 percent logged in the corresponding period last fiscal.
According to Jhawar, the sharp drop in steel prices over the past year affected the company’s results.
Steel, which cost about Rs.47,000 a tonne in the second quarter last fiscal, is now ruling at Rs.29,000 per tonne, a drop of about 30 percent.
Jhawar said that taking the commissioning of additional capacity into consideration, the company expected to touch Rs.900-950 crore revenue by fourth quarter this year.
Demand was also picking up, he said, maintaining that the auto sector was doing well.
“The slow and uncertain process of global economic recovery and volatility in raw material prices continue to affect product volumes and margins,” said company managing director Rajeev Jhawar here Wednesday.
“Standalone sales realisations were down 26 percent,” Jhawar told reporters.
The company’s operating profit margin dropped to 17 percent compared to 22 percent logged in the corresponding period last fiscal.
According to Jhawar, the sharp drop in steel prices over the past year affected the company’s results.
Steel, which cost about Rs.47,000 a tonne in the second quarter last fiscal, is now ruling at Rs.29,000 per tonne, a drop of about 30 percent.
Jhawar said that taking the commissioning of additional capacity into consideration, the company expected to touch Rs.900-950 crore revenue by fourth quarter this year.
Demand was also picking up, he said, maintaining that the auto sector was doing well.
East India Hotels net loss at Rs.9.65 cr
Mumbai, Oct 28 (IANS) East India Hotels (EIH), the flagship company of hospitality major Oberoi group, Wednesday said it made a net loss of Rs.9.65 crore for the quarter ended Sep 30 compared to a profit of Rs.31.31 crore it logged in the like quarter previous fiscal.
Net sales of the company dipped 33.39 percent to Rs.156 crore for the quarter under review from Rs.234.22 crore it made in the corresponding quarter last year.
The company also booked Rs.52.68 crore as other operating income as claims submitted to insurance companies for the damage it incurred in the 2008 terror attacks on the group’s Trident hotel in Mumbai
Net sales of the company dipped 33.39 percent to Rs.156 crore for the quarter under review from Rs.234.22 crore it made in the corresponding quarter last year.
The company also booked Rs.52.68 crore as other operating income as claims submitted to insurance companies for the damage it incurred in the 2008 terror attacks on the group’s Trident hotel in Mumbai
Eveready posts Rs.17.5-cr second quarter net
Kolkata, Oct 28 (IANS) Dry battery major and packet tea seller Eveready Industries registered a net profit of Rs.17.54 crore for the quarter ended Sep 30, as against Rs.2.26 crore earned in the corresponding period last fiscal, a company statement said here Wednesday.
“Price of zinc, a key input material, was softer in the current quarter as compared to the second quarter of the previous year, but this gain got more than eroded on account of a weak currency in current quarter,” the statement said.
Battery volumes registered a 7 percent growth in the period under review.
“The packet tea business continued with its steady performance through leveraging of the distribution network of the company,” Eveready said.
“Current share of the market stands at 2-6 percent in the various markets of the country. Focus is currently being given to make the business profitable.”
“Price of zinc, a key input material, was softer in the current quarter as compared to the second quarter of the previous year, but this gain got more than eroded on account of a weak currency in current quarter,” the statement said.
Battery volumes registered a 7 percent growth in the period under review.
“The packet tea business continued with its steady performance through leveraging of the distribution network of the company,” Eveready said.
“Current share of the market stands at 2-6 percent in the various markets of the country. Focus is currently being given to make the business profitable.”
Shakeel Ahmed is new Hindustan Copper chief
Kolkata, Oct 28 (IANS) Public sector undertaking Hindustan Copper Wednesday said Railway Board advisor Shakeel Ahmed will be its next chairman and managing director.
Ahmed replaces Satish C. Gupta.
Prior to this, Ahmed was the projects advisor to the Railway Board. He joined the Indian Railways in 1975 and served for 34 years in various capacities, Hindustan Copper said.
Ahmed replaces Satish C. Gupta.
Prior to this, Ahmed was the projects advisor to the Railway Board. He joined the Indian Railways in 1975 and served for 34 years in various capacities, Hindustan Copper said.
Cricket bat maker Sanspareils launches apparel range
New Delhi, Oct 28 (IANS) Cricket equipment and bat manufacturer Sanspareils Greenlands (SG) Wednesday launched a new range of apparel including shoes and backpacks.
“With the introduction of this new range, SG is now offering consumers the same quality and standards that have made us the leading cricketing equipment manufacturer in the world,” said Sanspareils director Puneet Anand.
The new range includes shoes, T-shirts, track pants, caps, backpacks and other sportswear for both men and women.
Since its inception in 1931, SG has become the largest exporter of cricket bats and cricket protective equipment from India, the company said in a statement
“With the introduction of this new range, SG is now offering consumers the same quality and standards that have made us the leading cricketing equipment manufacturer in the world,” said Sanspareils director Puneet Anand.
The new range includes shoes, T-shirts, track pants, caps, backpacks and other sportswear for both men and women.
Since its inception in 1931, SG has become the largest exporter of cricket bats and cricket protective equipment from India, the company said in a statement
Tata Tea posts Rs.258-crore net profit
Kolkata, Oct 28 (IANS) Tata Tea posted a net profit of Rs.258 crore for the quarter ended Sep 30, as against Rs.43.79 crore registered during the corresponding period last fiscal, the company said Wednesday.
“During the quarter, consequent to a favourable exchange rate movement, there is a notional unrealized gain on translation of short term foreign currency financial assets held by an overseas subsidiary, reversing the trend of unfavourable exchange rate movements experienced during the first quarter of this year,” it said.
Wholly-owned subsidiary Tetley of Britain acquired a controlling 51 percent stake in a Russian beverage company with effect from Sep 1, Tata Tea said.
“During the quarter, consequent to a favourable exchange rate movement, there is a notional unrealized gain on translation of short term foreign currency financial assets held by an overseas subsidiary, reversing the trend of unfavourable exchange rate movements experienced during the first quarter of this year,” it said.
Wholly-owned subsidiary Tetley of Britain acquired a controlling 51 percent stake in a Russian beverage company with effect from Sep 1, Tata Tea said.
Boeing ready for production of fighter jets in India
New Delhi, Oct 28 (IANS) After successfully completing trials for the contract of 126 medium multi-role combat aircraft with India, US firm Boeing Wednesday announced its intention to transfer technology to build F/A-18IN Super Hornet fighter jets in India.
“We fully intend for Super Hornet to be built in India,” said Boeing Military Aircraft Integrated Defence Systems president Christopher M. Chadwick here.
While Russia has been giving technology transfer to India more readily, US firms have a strict code when it comes to technology transfer to their customers.
“We plan to build 18 aircraft in the US and from the 19th aircraft it will be built in India…. we will continue transfer of technology to India so that they not only assemble but make lots of part of the aircraft in India…. actually building the aircraft here,” Chadwick added.
With the approval of US Congress required, the transfer of technology could actually be a key element in deciding the winner of the competition for the whopping Indian contract.
Boeing’s F/A-18IN has completed first two phases of trials for the Indian Air Force.
The first phase was completed in the US and the second at Bangalore, Jaisalmer and Leh.
The third phase trials will be held in February 2010 in the US.
The other aircraft in the fray for the IAF’s $10 billion order are the Lockheed Martin F-16I Super Viper, the Dassault Rafale, the Saab Gripen, the Russian MiG-35, and the European consortium EADS Eurofighter Typhoon.
The IAF plans to acquire 18 aircraft in fly-away conditions, with the rest being manufactured by HAL under a technology transfer deal. The aircraft are meant to replace the IAF’s ageing fleet of MiG-21 that were inducted in the 1960s.
“We fully intend for Super Hornet to be built in India,” said Boeing Military Aircraft Integrated Defence Systems president Christopher M. Chadwick here.
While Russia has been giving technology transfer to India more readily, US firms have a strict code when it comes to technology transfer to their customers.
“We plan to build 18 aircraft in the US and from the 19th aircraft it will be built in India…. we will continue transfer of technology to India so that they not only assemble but make lots of part of the aircraft in India…. actually building the aircraft here,” Chadwick added.
With the approval of US Congress required, the transfer of technology could actually be a key element in deciding the winner of the competition for the whopping Indian contract.
Boeing’s F/A-18IN has completed first two phases of trials for the Indian Air Force.
The first phase was completed in the US and the second at Bangalore, Jaisalmer and Leh.
The third phase trials will be held in February 2010 in the US.
The other aircraft in the fray for the IAF’s $10 billion order are the Lockheed Martin F-16I Super Viper, the Dassault Rafale, the Saab Gripen, the Russian MiG-35, and the European consortium EADS Eurofighter Typhoon.
The IAF plans to acquire 18 aircraft in fly-away conditions, with the rest being manufactured by HAL under a technology transfer deal. The aircraft are meant to replace the IAF’s ageing fleet of MiG-21 that were inducted in the 1960s.
shobhana bhartiya
Shobhana Bhartia
Born - 1957
Achievements - Daughter of renowned industrialist KK Birla, Shobhana Bhartia is the vice-chairperson as well as the editorial director of the Hindustan Times group, which is among India's major newspaper and media houses. In the year 2001, she received the Outstanding Business Woman of the Year award.
Born in the year 1957, the daughter of renowned industrialist KK Birla and grand daughter of GD Birla, Shobhana Bhartia is the vice-chairperson as well as the editorial director of the Hindustan Times group, which is among India's major newspaper and media houses. This lady holds the credit of raising Rs 400 Crore via public equity launch of the HT Media group in the year 2005. Till the year 2004, the Birla family owned 75.36 per cent stake in HT Media.
Here's more information about the biography of Shobhana Bhartia, who graduated from the Calcutta University and later, wedded Shyam Sunder Bhartia. This particular gentleman is the chairman of the Rs 14 billion Jubilant Organosys Limited, a Pharma company. Shamit Bhartia, their son, is also a member in the HT Media group. At the same time, he operates lifestyle businesses like Domino's Pizza franchise in the country and a convenience store chain in Bangalore city.
At the time when Shobhana Bharatiya became a member of the Hindustan Times in the year 1986, she was the very first woman chief executive of a national newspaper and in all probability, also among the youngest. Shobhana Bhartia is regarded as one of the crucial people there who played a pivotal role in revamping the image of the Hindustan Times into a "bright and young paper". The life history of Shobhana Bhartia's career is full of achievements.
Shobhana was nominated the member of the upper house of the Indian Parliament i.e. the Rajya Sabha. Shobhana Bhartia was also handed the Global Leader of Tomorrow award by the World Economic Forum in the year 1996. Then again in the year 2001, she received the Outstanding Business Woman of the Year award. The National Press India Award was given to Shobhana in the year 1992.
pgdm(3rd sem)
Born - 1957
Achievements - Daughter of renowned industrialist KK Birla, Shobhana Bhartia is the vice-chairperson as well as the editorial director of the Hindustan Times group, which is among India's major newspaper and media houses. In the year 2001, she received the Outstanding Business Woman of the Year award.
Born in the year 1957, the daughter of renowned industrialist KK Birla and grand daughter of GD Birla, Shobhana Bhartia is the vice-chairperson as well as the editorial director of the Hindustan Times group, which is among India's major newspaper and media houses. This lady holds the credit of raising Rs 400 Crore via public equity launch of the HT Media group in the year 2005. Till the year 2004, the Birla family owned 75.36 per cent stake in HT Media.
Here's more information about the biography of Shobhana Bhartia, who graduated from the Calcutta University and later, wedded Shyam Sunder Bhartia. This particular gentleman is the chairman of the Rs 14 billion Jubilant Organosys Limited, a Pharma company. Shamit Bhartia, their son, is also a member in the HT Media group. At the same time, he operates lifestyle businesses like Domino's Pizza franchise in the country and a convenience store chain in Bangalore city.
At the time when Shobhana Bharatiya became a member of the Hindustan Times in the year 1986, she was the very first woman chief executive of a national newspaper and in all probability, also among the youngest. Shobhana Bhartia is regarded as one of the crucial people there who played a pivotal role in revamping the image of the Hindustan Times into a "bright and young paper". The life history of Shobhana Bhartia's career is full of achievements.
Shobhana was nominated the member of the upper house of the Indian Parliament i.e. the Rajya Sabha. Shobhana Bhartia was also handed the Global Leader of Tomorrow award by the World Economic Forum in the year 1996. Then again in the year 2001, she received the Outstanding Business Woman of the Year award. The National Press India Award was given to Shobhana in the year 1992.
pgdm(3rd sem)
b.m munjal profile
B.M. Munjal Profile
Achievement: Chairman of the Hero Group; Honored with Ernst & Young's Entrepreneur of the Year award in 2001
B.M. Munjal (Brij Mohan Lall Munjal) is the Chairman of the Hero Group. He is a first generation entrepreneur who started very small and through sheer hard work and perseverance made it to the top. Today, Hero Group is the largest manufacturer of two-wheelers in the world and Brij Mohan Lal Munjal is the man widely credited with its success.
B.M. Munjal's journey began in 1944 at the age of 20. Brij Mohanlall along with his three brothers, Dayanand (32), Satyanand (27) and Om Prakash (16) moved from his birthplace Kamalia in Pakistan to Amritsar. The brothers started supplying components to the local bicycle business. After partition in 1947, the family was forced to move to Ludhiana. The town of Ludhiana was already a major hub of the Indian bicycle business and an important textile center. The Munjals slowly spread their bicycle component distribution network in other parts of the country and became one of India's largest bicycle parts suppliers. In 1952 Munjals made a shift from supplying to manufacturing. They started manufacturing handlebars, front forks and chains.
In 1956, the Punjab state government announced the issue of twelve new industrial licenses to make bicycles in Ludhiana. The Munjal brothers cashed on this opportunity. Helped by the Punjab government financing of Rs 600,000 to supplement their own limited capital resources, the Munjals set up Hero Cycles. Hero Cycles was registered as a 'large-scale industrial unit' and it initially produced 7,500 units per year.
Soon Hero Cycles started giving well-established players such as Raleigh, Hind Cycles, and Atlas Cycles a run for their money. The hero cycle was comparatively cheaper and was sturdy and reliable. It gave the customers value for their money.
In January 1984, Japan's Honda, the world's largest manufacturer of motorcycles, elicited interest in collaborating with the Hero Group to manufacture motor cycles in India. An agreement was signed and on 13 April 1985, the first Hero Honda motorbike was rolled out. Today, the company is the largest manufacturer of motorcycles in the world.
For his outstanding contribution to the success of Hero Group, B.M. Munjal was honored with Ernst & Young's Entrepreneur of the Year award in 2001.
pgdm(3rd sem)
Achievement: Chairman of the Hero Group; Honored with Ernst & Young's Entrepreneur of the Year award in 2001
B.M. Munjal (Brij Mohan Lall Munjal) is the Chairman of the Hero Group. He is a first generation entrepreneur who started very small and through sheer hard work and perseverance made it to the top. Today, Hero Group is the largest manufacturer of two-wheelers in the world and Brij Mohan Lal Munjal is the man widely credited with its success.
B.M. Munjal's journey began in 1944 at the age of 20. Brij Mohanlall along with his three brothers, Dayanand (32), Satyanand (27) and Om Prakash (16) moved from his birthplace Kamalia in Pakistan to Amritsar. The brothers started supplying components to the local bicycle business. After partition in 1947, the family was forced to move to Ludhiana. The town of Ludhiana was already a major hub of the Indian bicycle business and an important textile center. The Munjals slowly spread their bicycle component distribution network in other parts of the country and became one of India's largest bicycle parts suppliers. In 1952 Munjals made a shift from supplying to manufacturing. They started manufacturing handlebars, front forks and chains.
In 1956, the Punjab state government announced the issue of twelve new industrial licenses to make bicycles in Ludhiana. The Munjal brothers cashed on this opportunity. Helped by the Punjab government financing of Rs 600,000 to supplement their own limited capital resources, the Munjals set up Hero Cycles. Hero Cycles was registered as a 'large-scale industrial unit' and it initially produced 7,500 units per year.
Soon Hero Cycles started giving well-established players such as Raleigh, Hind Cycles, and Atlas Cycles a run for their money. The hero cycle was comparatively cheaper and was sturdy and reliable. It gave the customers value for their money.
In January 1984, Japan's Honda, the world's largest manufacturer of motorcycles, elicited interest in collaborating with the Hero Group to manufacture motor cycles in India. An agreement was signed and on 13 April 1985, the first Hero Honda motorbike was rolled out. Today, the company is the largest manufacturer of motorcycles in the world.
For his outstanding contribution to the success of Hero Group, B.M. Munjal was honored with Ernst & Young's Entrepreneur of the Year award in 2001.
pgdm(3rd sem)
kumar maglam birla profile
Kumar Mangalam Birla Profile
Born: June 14, 1967
Achievement: Chairman of the Aditya Birla Group; Vhosen as Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year - India in 2005
Kumar Mangalam Birla is the Chairman of the Aditya Birla Group. The group is India's third largest business house. Major companies of Aditya Birla Group in India are Grasim, Hindalco, UltraTech Cement, Aditya Birla Nuvo and Idea Cellular. Aditya Birla Group's joint ventures include Birla Sun Life (Financial Services) and Birla NGK (Insulators). The group also has its presence in various countries such as Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Egypt, Canada, China and Australia.
Born on June 14, 1967, Kumar Mangalam Birla spent the early of his life in Calcutta and Mumbai. He is a Chartered Accountant and did his MBA (Masters in Business Administration) from the London Business School, London. Kumar Mangalam Birla took over as Chairman in 1995, at the age of 28, after sudden demise of his father, noted industrialist Aditya Birla, after whom the group is named.
When Kumar Mangalam Birla assumed the mantle at the Aditya Birla Group, Doubts were raised about his ability to handle a giant business house with interests spanning viscose, textiles and garments on the one hand and cement, aluminium and fertilisers on the other. But Kumar Mangalam proved his skeptics wrong. He brought in radical changes, changed business strategies, professionalised the entire group and replaced internal systems. Kumar Mangalam reduced his group's dependence on the cyclic commodities sectors by entering consumer products.
Under Kumar Mangalam Birla's leadership, the Aditya Birla Group, apart from consolidating its position in existing businesses, also ventured into sunrise sectors like cellular telephony, asset management, software and BPO.
Kumar Mangalam Birla also holds several key positions on various regulatory and professional boards, including chairmanship of the advisory committee constituted by the ministry of company affairs for 2006 and 2007, membership of the prime minister of India's advisory council on trade and industry, chairmanship of the board of trade reconstituted by the union minister of commerce and industry, and membership of the Central Board of Directors of the Reserve Bank of India.
Kumar Mangalam Birla has won several honors. Major among them include The Business Leader of the Year (2003) by The Economic Times, Business Man of the Year - 2003 by Business India, and The Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year - India in 2005.
pgdm(3rd sem)
Born: June 14, 1967
Achievement: Chairman of the Aditya Birla Group; Vhosen as Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year - India in 2005
Kumar Mangalam Birla is the Chairman of the Aditya Birla Group. The group is India's third largest business house. Major companies of Aditya Birla Group in India are Grasim, Hindalco, UltraTech Cement, Aditya Birla Nuvo and Idea Cellular. Aditya Birla Group's joint ventures include Birla Sun Life (Financial Services) and Birla NGK (Insulators). The group also has its presence in various countries such as Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Egypt, Canada, China and Australia.
Born on June 14, 1967, Kumar Mangalam Birla spent the early of his life in Calcutta and Mumbai. He is a Chartered Accountant and did his MBA (Masters in Business Administration) from the London Business School, London. Kumar Mangalam Birla took over as Chairman in 1995, at the age of 28, after sudden demise of his father, noted industrialist Aditya Birla, after whom the group is named.
When Kumar Mangalam Birla assumed the mantle at the Aditya Birla Group, Doubts were raised about his ability to handle a giant business house with interests spanning viscose, textiles and garments on the one hand and cement, aluminium and fertilisers on the other. But Kumar Mangalam proved his skeptics wrong. He brought in radical changes, changed business strategies, professionalised the entire group and replaced internal systems. Kumar Mangalam reduced his group's dependence on the cyclic commodities sectors by entering consumer products.
Under Kumar Mangalam Birla's leadership, the Aditya Birla Group, apart from consolidating its position in existing businesses, also ventured into sunrise sectors like cellular telephony, asset management, software and BPO.
Kumar Mangalam Birla also holds several key positions on various regulatory and professional boards, including chairmanship of the advisory committee constituted by the ministry of company affairs for 2006 and 2007, membership of the prime minister of India's advisory council on trade and industry, chairmanship of the board of trade reconstituted by the union minister of commerce and industry, and membership of the Central Board of Directors of the Reserve Bank of India.
Kumar Mangalam Birla has won several honors. Major among them include The Business Leader of the Year (2003) by The Economic Times, Business Man of the Year - 2003 by Business India, and The Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year - India in 2005.
pgdm(3rd sem)
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